Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. USAF "GOODWILL" TOUR


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. USAF "GOODWILL" TOUR


Coverage of the "Goodwill" tour, headed by Maj. Gen. Reuben Hood, as it visits Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruquay, Brazil, British Guiana, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Officials from each country we1come the tour and USAF pilots give an aeria1 demonstration and take each VIP on a T-33 Flight. SLATE: MANAGUA. NICARAGUA. CAMERAMAN: FOY. 1' MS low angle of sign on Terminal Building: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA--three men are standing in back of sign. 20'MS 3/4 RV C-47 stationary on ramp--pick-up truck is behind left wing. (This is the AACS control ship.) 29' CU of the tail section of the C-47. 34' Low angle shots at airman seated at top of C-47 cockpit talking into microphone. 63' MS 3/4 FV same scene description. 74' LS SV of a Pan American Airlines Constellation in front of terminal--aircraft taxis to the right a short distance. 92' SLATE: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. 18 JANUARY. CAMERMAN: HILES. 95' CU sign: BIENVENIDO A MANAGUA. 107'MS of the control tower at the terminal at Las Mercedes Airport--camera pans left to sign over the terminal: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. 127' MS G/A as three T-33's fly through frame to the right. 136' CU of civilian scanning the sky. 141' CU SV camera pans left with T-33 taxiing; canopy is raised--aircraft stops. 158' MS camera pans left with Maj. Gen. Reuben C. Hood and other officers as they walk toward the waiting crowd. Camera pans with Gen. Hood as he shakes hands with the dignitaries. l90' CU of guard scanning the sky. 200' LS of three T-33's flying to the right. 240' MS of formation of three T-33's flying directly overhead. 260' CU of T-33 landing; followed by the other two T-33's in the formation--camera pans with the last T-33. 275' CU of line of dignitaries which include Gen. Hood--officers are saluting; civilian standing with hat over heart--camera pans left to show honor guard, then pans to the colors. 320' CU of Gen. Hood talking to Nicaraguan officer. 330' Several short clips of officers being received by the Nicaraguan delegation. 354' CU of staff car with Nicaraguan license--camera pans left to show a group of officers standing near the car. 366' CU of the officers conversing. (out of focus) 416' MS of formation of three F-84G's flying toward camera, initiating a climb. 435' MS of an F-84G landing--camera pans a short distance with the aircraft, then pans back to pick up the other two aircraft as they land. 470' CU of the three F-84G's taxiing toward camera. 503'CU low angle of Capt. R. W. Mccormick seated in cockpit. 527' MS of F-84G taxiing left--jeep drives through scene in fg. 557' MS SV of F-84G taxiing left, then stopping. 571' CU of a T-33 taxiing right, turning in a half-circle, then taxiing left--two stars on side of aircraft. 607' LS of F-80 landing to the left--camera pans back to pick up another F-80 landing. 648' LS of airfield. 662' MS 3/4 FV of F-84 with hood raised--pilot, carrying luggage, is walking toward camera. 678' LS of two F-84's flying overhead. 685' LS of the two F-84's flying away from camera. 692' MS of F-80 taxiing to the left. 706' Repeat same scene description. 722' MCU 3/4- FV of F-80's taxing toward camera which pans with first aircraft. It stops directly in front of camera which then pans right to show another F-80 pulling into parking area. 761' MS low angle of airman seated on top of C-47 cockpit ta1king into radio. 776' MS camera pans right with formation fly-by of five F-86's. 779' MS formation of five F-86's doing a fly-by to the left, and flying right echelon--aircraft at extreme left banks and peels, followed by the second, third, fourth, and fifth. 835' CU of F-86 taxiing left, turning and taxiing into parking area. 869' CU group of flags painted on the F-86 representing: Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, British Guiana, Venezuela, Dominican Repubic, and Cuba. Airman, shown from hips down, walks into scene and steps over painted insignia. 895' MS of the airfield as seen from the taxiing aircraft. 912' ADS on the f1at, cultivated fields outlined with trees. 936' MS camera pans left with F-86 taxing. 956' CU of pilot and crew chief standing on the wing of aircraft scanning from L to R as if following a taxiing aircraft. 976' MS a group of civilians standing in front of the entrance to the terminal at Las Mercedes airport. 992' Several CU's of the people viewing the jet demonstration. 999' CU low angle of the control tower at Las Mercedes Airport. 1032' CU fly-by of formation of five F-86's (scene out of focus). 1052' LS formation of five F-86's flying right echelon toward camera ship. At the right of the scene, they bank and peel off, followed by the next two aircraft--formation then flies out of scene. l069' MS FV of an F-86 taxiing toward camera which pans with the aircraft. l090' MS camera pans left with the taxiing F-86. (Three takes) 1126' LS of F-86's taxiing on ramp. SLATE: 21 JAN 1954. CAMERAMAN: FITZGERALD. HOWARD FIELD. CANAL ZONE. 9' CU of sign: WILL TOUR, MAINTENANCE OFFICE. 20' CU of sign: UNITED STATES AIR FORCE LOCKHEED T-33 JET TRAINER. 30' Another sign: UNITED STATES AIR FORCE REPUBLIC F-84 THUNDERJET. 40' N.G. 49' CU a group of flags painted on the fuselage of an F-86. (Insignia for the ATC) 65' CU of insignia on side of aircraft--written above insignia: LUKE. 75' CU of a Thunderbird pilot's helmet laying on the side of the cockpit of an aircraft. 89' SLATE: 21 JAN. CAMERMAN: FITZGERALD. 94' CU patch on side of shirt sleeve: COSTA RICA. 106' CU of Costa Rican hat insignia. CU of Colombian hat insignia. 125' SLATE: 21 JAN 1954. CAMERMAN: YOSHITAKE. l26' CU of Maj. Gen. Reuben C. Hood and Colombian Minister of war, Brig. Gen. Barrio and other officers talking. 145' CU of Gen. Hood talking to a contingent from Ecuador. 166' MS & CU low angle 3/4 RV of an F-86 on display. 200' MS low angle of one of the F-84 Thunderbird aircraft on display--it is located under the left wing of a C-124. 211' SLATE: 21 JAN 54. CAMERAMAN: YOSHITAKE. 216' High angle shot down on Maj. Gen. Hood talking with Maj. Gen. Berida. 224' CU of Col. Henri Fiis-Aime of Haiti talking with to Gen. Hood. Several CU's of Gen. Hood talking to various people, civilian and military. They are: Maj. Renaldo Donoso of Ecuador; Col. Parinell of Guatemala; Gen. Morinigo of Paraguay; and Lt. Col. Pinta of Costa Rica. 274' PS from L to R of group standing with Gen. Hood. 290' CU of Brig. Gen. Nunez of Colombia getting into a T-33. 307' ROLL 92. 312' MS of T-33 taxiing toward camera from the left. 328' CU of GM. Hood as he greets Brig. Gen. Nunez after he has taken a ride in a T-33. 338' MS. of Gen. Hood and canal Zone Gov. Seybold wa1king out of terminal. 350' MS of Gen. Hood, Gov. Seybold, and the pilot as they walk toward a T-33. CU of Gov. Seybold, seated in the cockpit of a T-33, as his straps are adjusted. 381' CU of T-33 taxiing on ramp--camera pans right with the aircraft. 395' N.G. 405' MS of Lt. Col. Pinta of Costa Rica coming out of the terminal. 416' SLATE: 21 JAN 1954. 421' MLS of two T-33's stationary on ramp--C-124 in hg. Camera pans with another T-33 taxiing right. 439' MS 3/4 RV of the T-33 taxiing--another T-33 taxis through frame; in fg, a "follow-me" truck drives through frame. (Stationary camera) 460' CU of Maj. Lasolla of El Salvador seated in a T-33; straps are being adjusted. 484' CU SV of Maj. Lasolla seated in a T-33. 499' CU of Gen. Hood talking to Col. Pinta and civilian. 505' SLATE: 22 JAN. 508' MS SV of staff car, carrying Panama's Pres. Jose Antonio Remon arriving at Albrook AFB, Canal Zone, to witness the air show given by the Will Tour, as it drives through the honor guard. 515' MS of Gen. Hood and Pres. Remon as they walk toward the camera through the honor guard--colors in bg. 535' CU of Gen. Hood saluting--Pres. Remon is standing at Gen. Hood's right. 547' MCU of Pres. Remon and Gen. Hood. They shake hands with Gov. and Mrs. John Seybold and Lt. Col. Franklin Bernnal. They are followed by the president's aide. 563' CU as Pres. Remon and Maj. Chuck Yeager shake hands--Gen. Hood in bg. (Very poor framing.) 577' CU of Maj. Yeager. 588' CU of the ribbons on Maj. Yeager's blouse. 601' 22 JAN 1954. 613' CU of Pres. and Mrs. Remon, and Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Reuben C. Hood looking at the air show. 619' CU of Gen. Hood. 621' CU of Pres. Remon. 629' CU of Gen. Berrido of Colombia and Gen. Pineda of Honduras looking toward the sky. 639' CU of Maj. Rey Varea Donoso, Minister of Defense of Ecuador, scanning the sky. 648' CU of Sr. Camilo Levy Slacedo, Panama Director of Protocol, looking toward sky. 674' PS to the right of group of people observing the air show--they are from Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador and Colombia. 700' CU of Col. Bolivar Vallarino, Chief of Panama National Guard. CU of Col. Fiis-Aime, Adj. Gen., Army of Haiti. 707' CU of Gen. Morinigo of Paraguay observing the air show. 715' CU of Col. Parinello of Guatemala watching the air show. 723' CU of Gov. and Mrs. John S. Seybold watching the air show. 740' CU of Maj. Gen. Hood and Panama Pres. Jose Antonio Remon talking. 747' MS of the crowd watching the air show. 756' Another angle, same scene description. 766' PS to the left of the flags of the countries at the air show, approximately 25. 786' MLS of crowd (boys and girls) running to the right--camera pans with the crowd. An F-84 is on display in bg. 800' CU of three Panamanian girls. 802' Total footage in reel. SLATE: 22 JAN 1954.4' High angle shot down on crowd gathered around a jet aircraft on display at the air show at Albrook AFB, Canal Zone. Several MS's & CU's, same scene description. 51' CU of three airmen sighting through cameras. 80' Several CU's of crowd observing the jet aircraft on display. 100' CU of sign: WIlL TOUR AERIAL DEMONSTRATION. 122' CU of another sign pointing to the aerial demonstration. Repeat same scene description. (Cameraman is using a filter.) 142' MS of A1brook AFB Min gate. 153' CU of the crowd observing the air show. 233' CU of a Thunderbird emblem patch on jacket. 240' CU insignia on side of aircraft: FIGHTER SCHOOL, EVERY MAN A TIGER. 247' CU of people walking. 248' ALS of display area as seen from a helicopter circling the area--shows long line of cars waiting to enter the field. 343' CU of patch on sleeve: PERU. 353' CU of patch on sleeve: CUBA. Repeat: FUERZA AEREA, HONDURAS. 380' Several CU's of the crowd. 505' MS of an F-84 being towed on ramp in front of crowd (Thunderbird). 524' Several views of the crowd observing aircraft on display, examining F-84's, F-80's, T-33's, C-124's, F-86's. 683' Total footage in reel. Reel 4: SLATE: JAN 20, 1954. CAMERMAN: FITZGERALD. Dolly shot in to CU showing the removal, by crane, of jet engine from a T-33. 65' Several CU's of mechanics working on the engine. 108' MS of F-86 taxiing on ramp--airman in fg directs it, then chocks are placed under nose wheel. (Scenes taken at Howard Field.) 159' CU of the sergeant talking to Capt. Leonard W. Lilly. l75' CU as Capt. Lilly climbs out of cockpit and is seated on the wing. 180' CU of Capt. Lilly standing on the wing, removing Mae West. 192' MS of F-84 taxiing toward camera--airman in fg directs the Thunderbird which turns and parks. 222' CU of pilot seated in cockpit--crew chief standing on wing at the right. 241' MS 3/4 RV T-33--Maj. Gen. Reuben C. Hood and Maj. Chuck Yeager are seated in cockpit. 256' CU low angle of Maj. Yeager standing looking down into the cockpit. 266' CU of Maj. Gen. Hood as he alights from aircraft. 280' CU of Maj. Yeager as he a1ights from aircraft and removes his Mae West. 286' CU of Gen. Hood as he is greeted by Lt. Col. George D. Gorman. 298'MS of Gen. Hood Maj. Yeager as they walk away from the T-33. 309' Several CU's of the officers walking toward the terminal. 317' CU of Maj. Chuck Yeager's helmet on the canopy. 341' 22 JAN 1954. CAMERAMAN: HOMEM. PANAMA CITY, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. 345' MS of street scene in Panama--street workers in fg. 362' CU of a street vendor pushing ice cream cart down street--he stops and scans sky. 372' CU of the face of the street vendor. 379' MS low angle of Panamanians on balcony scanning the sky. 383' Several CU's heads and shou1ders of people, shading eye from sun, scanning the sky--some are pointing. 635' CU of Miss Clara Douderes seated in the cockpit of an F-84. 666' MS SV nose section of and F-86 on display. 680' CU of a Panamanian climbing stairs to examine aircraft. 696' CU Panamaian examines intake on F-86. 717' Camera situtated under the fuselage of an F-86, pans left showing waist down shot of personnel examining the aircraft. 740' CU of Minister of Works Inocencio Galindo climbing out of a T-33. 755' CU of Mr. Galindo holding nose and blowing to unstop his ears. 761' CU direct FV of Gen. Hood and others. 744' CU of Mr. Mario de Diego talking to Gen. Hood. 790' CU of Maj. Gen. Hood walking beside and talking to Ignaco-Walino, citizen of Panama. 809' Total footage in reel. Reel 5: MS Lt. Col. Rodolfo Herrera Pinta, Secretary commander in Chief, Costa Rican Army, as he walks down aerostand with his attendants, and shakes hands with Gen. Hood. 14' PS to the right showing Lt. Col. Pinta and Gen. Hood stop and salute. 36' CU of Gen. Hood, Lt. Col. Pinta, Lt. Col. Rodolfo Querio Gonzales, and others as they enter staff car. 49' CU of Brig. Gen. Gustavo Barrio, Minister of War to Republic of Colombia, as he shakes hands with Gen. Hood. 63' MS looking over the shoulders of airmen--Gen. Hood and Gen. Barrio presenting arms in bg. 112' MS of Maj. Jose Armando Azmitia, General Staff Officer of the El 5alvadorian Armed Forces, is greeted by Gen. Hood and Dr. Francisco Asegueda, Ambassador from El Salvador to Panama. 129' MS the El Salvadorian Legation stading in a line--C-47 in bg. 145' MS of Gen. Hood talking to the El Salvadorian Legation. 168' Men entering staff car. 188' MS camera pans left with Gen. Hood as he walks across ramp. 198' CU head and shoulders of an airmen watching the air show. 209' CU of patch on shoulder (Carribean). (Out of focus.) 216'CU of shoulder patch--Chile. 223' CU of shoulder patch--Ecuador. 232' CU of an Ecuadorian pilot's wings. 239' MS of the crowd observing the air show. 287' CU of an Air Force nurse (lieutenant), seated on the hood of Air police car, watching the show. 297' Camera pans right with Gen. Hood. 319' High angle shot of Gen. Hood talking to Col. W. L. Waesche and Col. Oberdorf. 327' CU high angle, Gen. Hood talking to Don Louis Decherel and Don Octavio Vallerino. 333' CU of Gen. Herminio Morinigo, chief of General Staff, as he walks down ramp and is greeted by Gen. Hood--camera pans back and picks up Carlos A. Munoz, Assistant to the Chief of staff. 350' MS looking over the shoulder of Gen. Hood as he greets the Paraguayan officials--Gen. Herminio Morinigo and Carlos A. Munoz, Assistant to chief of Staff. Several views of the arrival of VIP's from Haiti. 437' MS of Gen. Hood and delegation from Haiti, saluting. 459' MS of group from Haiti entering the staff car. 465' CU of Ecuadorian VIP's, Maj. Reinaldo Varea Donoso, Minister of Defense (in civilian clothes) being greeted by Gen. Hood. 481' Several views of Gen. Hood welcoming VIP's from Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia, and El Salvador. Each group leader, with Gen. Hood, presents arms, then the VIP's from each country walk through the honor guard. 722' CU head and shoulders of Maj. Azmitia. 734' CU of Maj. Gen. Hood standing with Lt. Col. Joseph M. Martin, Executive Officer of Albrook AFB, Col. W. L. Waesche, DCS Operations, and Col. John W. Oberdorf. 747' MS RV of Gen. Hood as he walks away from camera. 752' MS 3/4 RV of T-33 in hangar--mechanics working on aircraft. Another angle, same scene description. 785' MS shows the removal of the tail section. 817' MS of two mechanics working on jet engine of a T-33. (Scene is framed through the after section of the plane.) 836' CU of mechanics working on the jet engine. 844' Total footage in reel. Reel 6: CU of Gen. Hood as he alights from a T-33, walks over and shakes hands with 1st Vice Pres. Guizado, Republic of Panama, then shakes hands with other members of the group. Someone from the rear hands Gen. Hood a microphone. 100' MS of crowd observing the air show. 198' MS SV of Maj. Charles Yeager briefing 1st Vice Pres. Jose Guizado on a T-33. 212' CU of vice president. 220' CU of Maj. Yeager. 226' MS of Maj. Alfredo Aleman, Minister of Finance, standing beside a USAF colonel. 234' CU of Maj. Aleman as he climbs up onto the wing of the T-33 and enters the cockpit. 258' CU of the face of Maj. Aleman. 282' CU of engineer, Mr. Inocencio Galindo, Minister of Public Works, Republic of Panama, seated in a T-33. 287' MS 3/4 FV of a T-33, Maj. A1eman is seated in the aircraft which taxis to the left. 295' CU as spectators walk up ramp to inspect C-124. RV same scene description. 330' CU of feet on the ramp. 344' MS spectators going up and down the ramp--camera pans up to the nose section of C-124. 349' ECU of a girl--camera pans from her feet to her head as she walks up the ramp. 360' CU of a child as he tries on one of the Thunderbird helmets. 379' LS camera pans right with two F-86's in flight. 393' MS camera pans left with formation of four F-84's (Thunderbirds). 404' MLS camera pans right with diamond-shaped formation of the Thunderbirds. 420' MLS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds initiating a climb. 424' CU of Gen. Hood as he alights from the T-33--camera pans with the general as he walks to the left and is greeted by Jose R. Guizado, 1st Vice President of Panama. Several views of Gen. Hood as he exchanges greetings. 505' CU of Maj. Yeager. 519' High angle shot down on group which includes Gen. Hood, Maj. Yeager, and Maj. Aleman. Maj. Yeager takes Jose R. Guizado by the arm and leads him over to the T-33. 548' CU & MS of Maj. Yeager explainng the operation of the T-33. 567' MS 3/4 RV of a T-33 stationary on ramp, personnel are viewing the aircraft. Camera pans left to show a large group of people standing along the roped area. 590' High angle shot down on Gen. Hood talking to a group of reporters. CU same scene description. 624' MS of crowd watching the air show. 638' CU of Maj. Aleman as he climbs up on the wing of a T-33. 646' CU of Maj. A1eman as he climbs into the cockpit of the T-33 and dons chute. 665' MS of pilots and VIP's as they walk toward the T-33--nose section of the T-33 in fg. 721' CU of crowd watching air show. 751' CU low angle of crowd walking up the ramp to C-124. 785' LS of an F-84 in flight to the right--props of a C-124 in fg. 794' CU of Maj. Aleman as he climbs out of a T-33. 815' Total footage in reel. Reel 7: MS group of pilots and VIP's walk toward T-33 in order to take a ride. 30' MS of Col. Vallarino as he climbs on the wing of a T-33. 49' CU of Col. Vallarino as he enters cockpit. 58' CU of Mr. Julio Rezinio, editor of "La Akra," local paper. 64' MS of T-33 stationary on ramp gas truck at left of scene. 80' MS camera pans left to show two T-33's stationary on ramp - hangar in bg. Crew chiefs are assisting the VIP's and the pilots as they get ready for flight. 92' CU of one of the pilots in T-33 as he dons helmet. 99' MS low angle of T-33 on display. 129' MS of Maj. Scariano explaining the T-33 procedures to the Costa Rican officers. 144' CU of sign: T-33 JET TRAINER. 153' CU same scene description--camera pans to the base of the sign. 168' MS of Capt. V. J. Owens explaining an F-86 to Maj. Gen. Herminio Morinigo of Paraguay and other officers. 179' CU of Capt. N. E. Nordlund talking to Maj. Gen. Donoso of Ecuador and other officers. 191' MS of Maj. Yeager as he shows a Panamanian boy the interior of a T-33--boy is seated in the rear seat of the cockpit. 200' Several views of crowd. (Location is Fort Kobbe, Canal zone.) 290' CU of Gen. Penida, Minister of War Honduras, and Lt. Col. Bailey, USAF, as they look at aircraft. 309' MS of Col. Roy of Haiti speaking to Col. Fiis-Aime of Haiti--they are at the rear of an F-86G. 317' High angle shot down on T-33 on display. 340' High angle shot down on an F-86 on display. 354' High angle shot down on a T-33 on display as seen through the door of a C-124. 389' CU of Maj. Gen. Reuben C. Hood, and Lt. Gen. Barrio of Colombia talking--F-86 in bg. 401' CU of Gen. Hood and Lt. Col. Fiis-Aime of Haiti talking--F-86 in bg. 410' CU of Maj. Donoso of Ecuador talking with Gen. Hood--F-86 in bg. 417' Gen. Hood talking to Lt. Gen. Pineda of Honduas--F-86 in bg. 433' Gen. Hood talking to Col. Parinello of Guatemala F-86 in bg. 450' Gen. Hood talking to Gen. Morinigo of Paraguay- -F-86 in bg. 460' CU of Gen. Hood talking to Maj. Osorio of EL Salvador--F-86 in bg. 487' CU of three Thunderbird pilots standing on the Miraflores Bridge--one of the pilots reading a light meter. 519' One of the Thunderbird pilots taking a picture of the locks. 533' CU looking over of the shoulders of the pilots--locks in bg. 551' CU FV of the four Thunderbird pilots walking on the bridge. They area: Maj. Richard C. Catledge, Capt. Charles Pattillo, Capt. Robert S. McCormack, and Capt. Cuthbert Pattillo. 586' MPS to R of Lt. Gen. Pineda, from Honduras; Col. Parinello, Guatemala; Maj. Donoso, Ecuador; Lt. Gen. Barrio, Colombia; Maj. Gen. Reuben C. Hood; Lt. Col. Pinta, Costa Rica; Maj. Osorio, El Salvador; Col. Fiis-Aime, Haiti; and Maj. Gen. Morinigo Paraguay. 610' CU of sign: U. S. ARMY, FORT KOBBE, 33RD REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM, THE LIFELINERS. 626' CU of signs: WILL TOUR FLIGHT OPERATIONS. 645' Sign: WILL TOUR FLIGHT OPERATIONS, HANGAR NO.1. 661' Sign: WILL TOUR COMMANDER, VIP LOUNGE. 667' Sign: WILL TOUR FLIGHT OPERATIONS. 673' Sign: WILL TOUR MAINTENANCE OFFICE. 686' CU of Lt. Gen. Horace L. McBride, and Maj. Scariano, who is explaining the T-33. 697' CU of Gen. McBride being assisted as he dons his chute. 711' CU of Gen. McBride as he enters the cockpit of a T-33. 729' CU of Maj. Gen. Walter C. Sweeney, CG, U. S. Army Antillies, talking to Maj. Fritch in front of a T-33. Camera pans down to a map they are holding, then pans up to their faces. 749' CU as Maj. Gen. Sweeney is assisted in donning his chute--he walks over and climbs up ladder which is against the T-33. 783'Total footage in reel. Reel 8: MLS camera situated at edge of runway, C-124 coming in for landing at Albrook AFB. 59' CU RV as C-124 passes camera. 78' MCU C-124 taxiing into parking area- -airman in fg directing. 109' LS C-124 coming in for landing--camera pans left with the aircraft. 160' MS SV C-124 taxiing--in fg, "follow-me" truck passes to the left--aircraft turns, then taxis toward camera. 202' CU 3/4 RV of a T-33, tail section removed. Shows the removal of a jet engine. 258' Several views of mechanics working on the engine. 289' MLS of F-86 taxiing toward camera, following a "follow-me" truck--aircraft turns, and stops in front of camera. (Location: Fort Kobbe) 336' CU of pilots Capt. Lilly seated in cockpit. 346' CU of Capt. Lilly alighting from aircraft. 352' CU of Capt. David G. Harston a1ighting from an F-86. 378' MS Lt. R. E. Harter as he removes helmet and loosens straps--he is seated in the cockpit of an F-86. 390' MS of an F-84 Thunderbird as it taxis, then turns toward camera--airmen in fg directs the aircraft. 415' CU of crew chief and Thunderbird pilot, who is seated in cockpit. 427' CU of a T-33 with canopy raised as it taxis toward camera and stops. 434' Crew chief assisting Gen. Hood. 444' CU of Maj. Yeager as he stands up in cockpit--camera pans over to show Gen. Hood alighting from the T-33. 462' CU looking over the shoulders of two officers who are talking to Gen. Hood. 471' MS of Gen. Hood and Maj. Yeager walking away from T-33. 484' CU low angle of Sgt. Posey refue1ing an F-84 Thunderjet. 500' MS same scene description. Several angles, same scene description. 600' MS of Gen. Hood as he walks to the right on the ramp--H-13 in bg. He walks over to C-47 type aircraft and greets VIP's from some of the Central American countries. Several views of the arrival of the VIP's including Col. Henri Fiis-Aime, AG, Army of Haiti; Haiti Ambassador to Panama, Don Luis Decatre; Maj. Reinaldo Varea Donoso, Minister of Defense of Ecuador; and Col. Bolivar Pica, CG, Ecuadorian Air Force. 764' CU of Guatemala delegation headed by Col. Enrique Tarrinello, Chief of General Staff, as they alight from the C-47 and are greeted by Gen. Hood. Gen. Hood and the Guatemalan delegation present arms. 819' MS of Honduras Minister of War, Navy and Aviation, Gen. Leonidas M. Pineda, as he is greeted by Gen. Hood. 831' MCU of Gen. Pineda and Gen. Hood as they present arms. 848' Total footage in reel. Reel 9: CU of Costa Rican patch on shoulder. 13' CU of Maj. Gen. Lester J. Whitlock, U. S. Army, getting into a T-33. 57' CU of Canal Zone Gov. John S. Seybold getting out of a T-33--camera pans with the governor, he is greeted by Gen. Hood. 88' CU RV of civilian as he enters a T-33. 104' CU nose section of T-33--camera pans over to the cockpit to show Brig. Gen. Gustavo Barrio, Minister of War, Colombia. 114' MS of Brig. Gen. Barrio, and Maj. W. C. Turner, pilot of the jet preparing to take off. Several views of Brig. Gen. Barrio as he is assisted in donning chute. 149' MS camera pans left with T-33 taxiing. 167' MLS group of officers standing near hangar. 181' CU same scene description--the Colombian officials are waiting for a demonstration ride. They are: Col. Alberto Pawels, Capt. Carlos Ayalde, and capt. Jaime Carvayal. 190' CU head and shoulders of Gen. Hood. 199' CU head and shoulders of Lt. Gen. Horace L. McBride as he is assisted in donning Mae West and chute. 247' CU of Brig. Gen. Sweeney as he is fitted and checked out with a parachute. 256' MS of Brig. Gen. Barrio, seated in cockpit of T-33, returning from a demonstration flight. He alights from aircraft and is greeted by Gen. Hood. 291'CU of Gen. Hood and Gen. McBride conversing--they are joined by Gen. Gomez of Colombia. 321' CU of Gen. McBride as he enters the cockpit of a T-33. 365' MS of a line of T-33's on ramp. 377' CU of Col. Pico of Ecuador being fitted for chute and Mae West. 4Ol' CU of Maj. Donoso, Minister of Defense of Ecuador, donning chute and Mae West. 423' Camera pans right with Col. Pico as he walks toward T-33--in bg, Gen. McBride is alighting from aircraft and is greeted by Gen. Hood. 443' MLS of Col. Pico as he climbs into the T-33. 473' CU of Maj. Paul Osrio of El Salvador climbing into a T-33. 508' Camera pans right to show the nose section and stops on the number of the aircraft, which is TR5O8. Repeat same scene description. 519' MS of group from Costa Rica arriving in staff car. MS of group from Paraguay arriving in staff car. 555' CU of group from Guatemala examining an F-84. 608' CU of Gen. Hood. 62l' CU RV three officers from Haiti examining the engine of a C-124. 629' CU of faces of Col. Alexander Benoit, Col. Ducheine, and USAF Maj. Binks. 665' MS of Col. Pico and Maj. Pinurdote looking at landing gear of C-124. 67O' MS group of Guatemalan delegates looking at an F-86. 701' CU SV face of Gen. Leonidas Pineda, Honduras Minister of War, Navy, and Army. 723' CU of Gen. Berrido, Minister of War, Co1ombia, and Maj. Gen. Hood conversing. 737' CU of Col. Henri Fiis-Aime and Gen. Hood conversing. 744' CU of Maj. Reinaldo Donoso, Minister of Defense of Ecuador, and Gen. Hood talking 757'Gen. Leonidas Pineda, Minister of War, Navy, and Aviation of Honduras, talking to Gen. Hood. 765' CU of Col. Enrique Tariinello, Chief of Staff, the Army of Guatema1a, and Gen. Hood talking. 774' CU of Maj. Gen. Herminio Morinigo, Chief of Staff of Paraguay. 786' CU of Maj. Jose Armando Azmitia, General Staff Officer of Armed Forces of Salvador talking to Gen. Hood. 797' CU of Lt. Col. Rudolfo Gonzales of Costa Rica talking with Gen. Hood. 817' Total footage in reel. Reel 10: SlATE: (These scenes taken at Howard Field, Canal Zone.) LS formation of four F-86's flyng line-astep--they bank, turn to the right, then fly out of scene. Aircraft circle, fly pattern, and land--camera pans with the last aircraft. 173' LS RV of F-86's taxiing. 226' MS diamond shaped formation of Thunderbirds fly by to the right. 233' MS FV diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds and one trailing (total of five) flying directly overhead--formation banks and turns to the right, one at a time. 249' LS of the Thunderbirds coming in for landing--camera pans to the right with one of the aircraft. 415' MLS alert crews standing along flight line--tail sections of B-29 and C-124 in bg. 434' LS camera pans right with formation of T-33's landing. 555' LS over the flight line at Howard Field showing Thunderbirds, F-86's, C-124's, and C-47's. 597' MS SV line of aircraft along ramp--F-86's are in fg; F-84G Thunderbirds in bg. Gasoline trucks are at right of scene. 674' CU direct FV H-13 hovering, then landing. Gen. Hood, seated in one of the seats, puts on a blouse. 708' MS FV C-47 taxiing on ramp--written on side of aircraft: UNITED STATES AIR MISSION TO REPUBLIC OF PARAGUAY. Aerostand is pushed up to door. 804' High angle shot down on Gen. Hood and Maj. Gen. Morinigo presenting arms--honor guard in fg; colors at the lower left corner. 819' MS of Gen. Hood and Gen. Morinigo as they walk toward staff car. 828' MS high angle of C-47 being towed backwards, away from camera. 835' High angle shot down over Air Force Band--camera pans left with a staff car. 858' MS high angle of party from Haiti and Gen. Hood as they walk away from C-47 and present arms. Delegation from Haiti walks through the honor guard to the staff car. 928' High angle shot down on staff car as it drives out of scene. Repeat same scene description. 958' Total footage in reel. Reel 11: 18' High angle shot down on stationary C-47--honor guard in bg. Gen. Hood greets the group from Ecuador; officers honor the colors. 55' Closer view high angle of Gen. Hood and the delegates from Ecuador as they walk through the honor guard toward staff car. l21' MCU high angle of Gen. Hood and two other USAF officers walking toward camera. 138'LS high angle of Air Force Band and honor guard standing on ramp--in bg, C-47 taxis toward the honor guard. 149' CU SV of C-47 taxiing left and stopping--airman pulls aerostand toward the doors. 176' LS high angle of ramp as group from Guatemala is greeted--officers sa1ute colors and walk toward staff car. Camera pans with the staff car, as it drives out of scene to the left. 289' MCU high angle shot of delegates from Honduras with Gen. Hood as they walk up to honor guard, present arms, then walk between the honor guard. 356' ELS over ramp shows a C-47 coming in for landing--camera pans with the aircraft which turns right, taxis toward camera, turns to the right and 1eft, then pulls up in front of camera. 504' LS high angle of delegates from Costa Rica being met by Gen. Hood--they present arms, and walk between the honor guard toward staff car. 597' MLS high angle of delegates from Colombia being greeted. 623' CU high angle of Gen. Hood and the delegates from Colombia saluting the colors. 675' LS of C-47 being towed backwards on ramp. 688' High angle shot down on the honor guard and band as they march down ramp. 728' High angle shot of the honor guard, colors, and band as they march to the left. 799' CU of delegates from El Salvador being greeted. 840' Total footage in reel. Reel 12: ELS across Albrook AFB--camera pans up, picks up a fly-by to the right of an F-86. Two other F-86's fly in from overhead, bank, and turn to the left. 47' MS SV diamond-shape formation of Thunderbirds flying to the left. 71' LS diamond-shaped formation of the Thunderbirds coming in on a left bank, flying to the right--camera pans with the formation as it levels, then banks to the right. 106' LS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds climbing--formation banks to left, then flies out of scene. 122' Several views of diamond-shaped formation of the Thunderbirds performing. 240' LS formation of three jet aircraft; an F-84, a T-33, and an F-86. Formation banks and turns to the left, then flies out of scene. 250' LS to CU of T-33 landing--camera pans with the aircraft (Gen. Hood's aircraft), followed by an F-86--camera pans back and picks up the landing of an F-84 Thunderbird. 315' LS to CU of a T-33 landing, followed by another T-33--camera pans with the second aircraft, then pans back to another T-33 landing, taxiing. 394' LS to CU of a C-124 landing--camera pans with the aircraft. 486' MS SV of T-33 taxiing on ramp, then turning to a RV. 526' MS stationary T-33 on ramp--group of personnel around the aircraft. Camera pans right to show the T-33 being towed, then further right to two T-33's stationary on ramp. 570' MS SV T-33 as it taxis out of parking area, turns right, then left. 616'MS SV stationary F-86 on display--an F-84 Thunderbird in bg. 645' MS SV of Gen. Hood's T-33--in bg another T-33. Sound truck backs up to the general's plane--in bg T-33 taxis out of parking area. 697' ELS takeoff of a T-33. 714' CU of personnel walking up to the ramp to examine a C-124. 735' MS of an F-86 on display--F-84 Th'mderbird in bg. 753' MS tail setion of T-33--in bg, two T-33's at end of ramp. 773' MLS of crowd walking across ramp. 791'LS to CU takeoff of T-33--camera pans with the aircraft. Three takes) 929' Total footage in reel. SLATE: ROLL 2199. 19' MS high angle of Gen. Hood and two Paraguayan VIP's walking in front of an F-86 on display--camera pans right with the men and shows the C-124 and an F-84 on display. 50' MS staff car as Gen. Pineda alights from it, and walks toward aircraft on display--camera pans a short distance to the right to show mi1itary personnel examining an F-86 on display. Several views of the VIP's from the various countries examining the aircraft on display. 301' Several views of Gen. Hood talking to the delegates of the various countries. They are standing in front of the wing section of an F-86 on display--Air Force cameramen in scene. 565'MS high angle of Gen. Hood and all the delegates from eight South and Central American countries. 597' LS camera pans right with fly-by of three F-86's. 645' LS of the Thunderbirds flyng diamond-shaped formation they fly out top frame. Several views of the Thunderbirds performing. 722' MS camera pans right with one of the Thunderbirds landing. 749' Total footage in reel. Reel 14: SLATE: ROLL 112. ROLL 2200. 11' Dolly shot from a car driving past the review stand to the left, then to the right. 106' MS low angle, camera pans left with the fly-by of an F-86. 112' CU of the flag of China. 139' LS of the crowd seated in bleachers--camera pans left to pick up a fly-by of an F-86. 154' LS fly-by to the right of F-86--camera pans back to the Chinese flag. 164'MLS of the bleachers--officers seated in the them. 172' LS of formation of three F-86's in flight to the right, camera pans with the formation which banks to the left, then climbs. 202' LS formation of three F-86's in flight to the left. 224' CU fly-by to the right of an F-86--camera pans with the formation which banks, turns, and does a fly-by to the left. 273' MS camera pans left with the fly-by of an F-84G which climbs and disappears in the clouds. 289' MLS out over the crowd--camera pans over to an F-84G doing a fly-by to the left. 314' MS fly-by to the right of a Thunderbird. 347' MS camera pans left with four Thunderbirds flying line-astep; they break, form a diamond formation, fly a loop, and do a fly-by to the right doing a barrel roll. Several views of the Thunderbirds performing. 442' LS of the dignitaries seated in the bleachers. 492' LS of the continuation of the Thunderbird performance--shows the ending of the bomb burst Maneuver. 541' MS of the VIP's leaving grandstand area. MCU of His Excellency Jose Antonio Remon, President of Panama, and his wife as they enter a limousine which drives away from camera. Gen. Hood's staff car drives into scene. 598' LS down road showing the crowd departing. 621' ADS on the airfield--aircraft on display as camera ship circles area. 984' Total footage in reel. Reel 15: l4' LS of an F-86 in flight to the left, turns to its right, makes a pass across the flight line at Albrook AFB. Repeat same scene description. 115' LS camera pans left with the fly-by of an F-86. 162' LS camera pans with an F-84 as it lands. 209'MS formation of three F-86's--camera pans with the aircraft as it flies toward the airfie1d. (Camera is situated on a hill outside of the airfield.) 294' LS of an F-84 climbing, flying out of frame. 315' LS of an F-84 in a dive. 331' MS fly-by to the right of an F-84. Several LS's & EL's of F-84's and F-86's during the aerial demonstration. 400' CU of the Thunderbirds in diamond-shaped formation doing some maneuvers--shows a direct RV of a barrel roll, the formation doing an inside loop, and the completion of the bomb burst maneuver. (Quality fair). 841' Total footage in reel. Reel 16: ALS of Airfield at Managua, Nicaragua. 54' SLATE: WILL TOUR, NICARAGUA. 18 JAN 1954. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. CU of sign: MANAGUA. 71' Low angle of the balcony atop the terminal--sign on balcony: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. 79' CU of patch on sleeve, NICARAGUA--camera pans up to the face of the owner. 94' SLATE: CAMERAMAN: MERRITT. 96' ALS of an erupting volcano enroute to Managua, Nicaragua. 109'MS of Col. Waesche being greeted. 121' MLS of line of jets; F-86's, F-84's, and T-33's. 126' CU nose section of an F-86--in bg, C-124 taxiing toward camera. 15l' N.G. 175' High angle shot down on Nicaraguan Air Force officers as they walk up ramp to C-124. Shows officers entering and leaving the aircraft. 194' CU front of the president of Nicaragua's car. 198' Camera pans left with the Nicaraguan officers as they walk ramp. 215' Several scenes of the presenting of arms, Gen. Hood in center of group. 229' CU of Gen. Hood autographing a picture of the Thunderbirds. 237'MS SV F-86, crew chief jumps up on the wing section of the aircraft, carrying an article which he hands to the pilot--camera pans left to show crowd standing along the runway. 255' CU fly-by to the right of F-86, F-84, and T-33--camera pans with the aircraft. 264' CU of military officers and civilians watching the air demonstration. 274' High angle shot down on crowd watching the air demonstration. 284' MS of part of the crowd watching the aerial demnstration--Thunderbirds flying diamond-shaped formation in bg. 288' SLATE: CAMERMAN: MERRITT. 294' MS of Gen. Hood receiving gifts from Gen. Ceranza. 305' CU of Gen. Ceranza holding one of the gifts. 315' CU of Mr. Silvia examining a wing tank. 327' CU of Gen. Hood seated in the rear seat of a T-33, donning helmet. 340' CU of pilot donning helmet. 345' CU FV T-33 taxiing toward camera, canopy is raised. 350' LS formation takeoff at three T-33's. 364' RV of the takeoff. 380' SLATE: 22 JAN. LOCATION: ALBROOK, CANAL ZONE. CU RV of personnel seated in bleachers. Several views of the personnel leaving the bleachers. 452' CU of license plate: HONDURAS. 454' CU of license plate: CBP, COMMANDANT, 3ER JEFE. 459' CU of sign on car: COLOMBIA. 464' CU of sign on staff car, ECUADOR--license plate in the lower left corner has four stars. 473' MS 3/4 RV H-19, rotor blades turning. 478' Repeat same scene description--men are runing toward aircraft from the right. 480' SLATE: 22 JANUARY. CAMERAMAN: MERRITT. 484' LS stationary camera, three F-86's fly by to the right. 490' LS stationary camera, three F-86's fly by to the left. 501' LS to MCU as three F-86's do a fly-by to the right. 529' MS of an F-84 fly-by to the left. 536' MS RV of formation of tour F-84's flying line-astep. 546' MS FV diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds fly by to the left, then fly out of scene, upper left. Several views of the Thunderbirds performing. 578' MS of an SA-16 taking off to the left. 585' SLATE: 22 JAN. 589' MS of Gov. and Mrs. Seybold in front of stand. 592' MS of Gov. and Mrs. Seybo1d walking toward stand. 6O1'MS low angle of the flags representing various countries flying in back of the stands. 609' MS FV of Pres. Remon of Panama and Gen. Hood inspecting the honor guard. 622' CU FV of Gen. Hood and Pres. Remon presenting arms. 631' CU of the colors. 644' CU of Maj. Yeager shaking hands with Pres. Remon--Gen. Hood at the right of Pres. Remon. 649' MS FV of the review stand--a line of flags from the various countries in bg. 654' High angle shot down on the stands. 666' CU high angle down on the stands. 674' SLATE: 19 JAN. CU of officers looking at intake of an F-86 on display. Two Apostolic priests examine the aircraft. 688' CU of one of the priests. 693' CU of the captain as he explains the operation of the F-86 to some civilians. 700' MS low angle of tail section of C-124 on display--motorcycle escort in fg. These leading Pres. Somoza's limousine. 712' Several CU's of Pres. Somoza being greeted by other officers and by Gen. Hood. 762' CU low angle of Pres. and Mrs. Somoza as they examine the cockpit of an F-86. 775' CU of two Managuan firemen standing, pointing toward the camera. 779' CU as Pres. and Mrs. Somoza are taken on a tour. 800' CU RV of Pres. and Mrs. Somoza as they examine an SA-16. CU of small native boy--camera pans over to the president as he pats him on the shoulder. 334' CU of two officers presenting arms. 837' CU of two women standing under a parasol. 846' MS of the Nicaraguan Army Band. 851' CU SV of band's sergeant major. 861'CU low angle of sign: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA--sign is on a balcony; group of people standing on balcony in bg. 870' CU low angle of C-124 nose section--military personnel seated on top of fuselage. 879' MS of crowd standing along the roped-in area watching the air show--in bg, a radar tower thickly covered with people observing the air show. 888' LS 3/4 RV takeoff of three F-86's. 898' CU of captain talking on radio, walking toward camera. 904' CU RV of F-84 Thunderbird taxiing left on ramp in front of crowd. 913' LS low angle stationary camera, takeoff of three F-86's. 924' Repeat same scene description--aircraft at left of scene takes off directly over head. 929' LS of the crowd observing the air show. 933' MLS fly-by to the left of an F-86. 936' LS fly-by to the right of an F-84. 948' LS of the crowd--Thunderbirds fly line-astep over the crowd toward camera--then out of scene to the left. 970' Total footage in reel. Reel 17: SLATE: 15 JAN. KELLY AIR FORCE BASE. 3' MS 3/4 FV stationary C-124 on ramp; at left of scene is C-97; in bg, C-124. 14' CU nose section of C-124--No. l engine starting. 26' CU side of C-124: TROOP CARRIER, UNITED STATES AIR FORCE. 35' MS of C-119 taxiing on ramp--other C-119's at the left and right of frame. 46' CU 3/4 FV C-119 as it taxis and stops--airman places chocks under wheels. 55' CU nose section of the C-119 as it pulls into parking area. 71' CU of an engine on a C-1l9 as it stops. 81' CU of nose section of C-119. 87' CU of the door of C-119 as officer alights from aircraft and shakes hands with Gen. Hood. 96' CU of Gen. Hood talking to other officers--C-119 in bg. 99' SLATE: 15 JAN. KELLY AFB. 103' CU of sign: THE ALAMO, 1718, MISSION FORTRESS SHRINE. 119' CU of the carved figures on the memorial at the Alamo. 131' CU another view, same scene description--camera pans to the top of the monument. 154' CU of sign: THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE WELCOMES YOU TO KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, PLEASE DRIVE CAREFULLY. 16l' CU of another sign: KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, INFORMATION BUlLDING NO. 100. 176' SLATE: 15 JAN. 183' LS to CU to LS camera pans with C-124 taxiing--aircraft takes off at a RV. 24O' MS of the remains at the Alamo--two airmen walk in from left of scene. 257' CU of two airmen--one points toward the building. 263'CU of the entrance to the Alamo--two airmen walk through doors. 15 JAN. 283' MLS 3/4 RV line of F-86's on ramp. 294' CU of nose section of C-124, loading doors open. 305' MS of military personnel walking up the ramp to the nose section of the C-124. 315' MS group of mi1itary personnel and luggage on ramp--stationary C-119 in bg. Red Cross truck backs in from right of scene. 327' CU of military personnel receiving shots. 334' CU looking over the shoulder of man as he reads medical record. 338'CU of officer standing, holding his shot record. Several views of men receiving shots in the shoulders. 380' 16 JAN. 384' CU of Gen. Hood's T-33--Maj. Yeager and crew chief walk over to aircraft. 396' CU of Maj. Yeager standing on wing donning chute. 404' CU of Gen. Hood donning his chute--Maj. Yeager is at his right. 413' MS of Gen. Hood entering T-33, followed by Maj. Yeager. 437' CU of Gen. Hood seated in the cockpit of a T-33. 442'CU 3/4 RV of Maj. Yeager and Gen. Hood at the T-33. 453' CU of Maj. Yeager stooping on the wing section, to talk to his crew chief. 464' MS 3/4 RV of Maj. Yeager entering the cockpit of T-33. 473' CU of Maj. Yeager and Gen. Hood in the cockpit of the T-33--crew chief in bg. Several short clips of the major and general preparing for flight. 5O5' MS of T-33 taxiing out of area. 507' MS of F-80 taxiing to the right on ramp, followed by another F-80--line of F-86's in bg. 534' MS of F-84 Thunderbirds taxiing on ramp to the right. 552' MS FV two F-84 Thunderbirds taxiing on ramp. 564' RV same scene description. 568' CU low angle RV of three F-86's stationary on ramp. 578' 16JAN. 582' MS low angle on long line of tail sections of F-86's stationary on ramp. 605' MS of an F-86 taxiing on ramp--C-46 in bg. 614' MS SV of F-86's pulling out of parking area--stationary C-124's in far bg. 635' MS 3/4 RV F-86 taxiing on ramp, followed by another F-86. 646' CU low angle, cockpit of C-54. 655' CU of the Nos. 1 and 2 engines on C-54. 670' MS of C-54 as it taxis into frame from the left. 681' SLATE: 17 JAN. 685' CU of American Ambassador White. 691' CU of Ambassador White and Gen. Hood shaking hands. 698' CU of Col. Hernadeaz, Mexican Air Force, shaking hands with Gen. Hood. 709' CU another angle, same scene description. 718' MS of the terminal at Mexico City. 733' MLS across the ramp. 743' CU of Maj. Charles J. Bowers standing on the wing donning flight clothing. 751' CU side of fuselage of aircraft--12 flags represented in insignia, they include Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, British Guiana, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and Cuba. 758' CU of pilot as he enters the cockpit of an F-86 assisted by his crew chief. 770' MS of personnel taking pictures of F-86's stationary on ramp. 777' Total footage in reel. Reel 18: MS of crowd standing in fenced-in area watching air show. 9' CU of two PM's standing saluting. (Mexican) 16' MS low angle of officers in bleachers watching the air show at Mexico City. Closer view, same scene description. 40' Several CU's of the officers and their wives. 68' Several views of the crowd observing the air show. 87' LS of ramp--stationary C-124 and SA-16 in bg--formation of three F-86's makes a fly-by to the left. 98' LS of the Thunderbirds flying diamond-shaped formation--several short clips of the crowd and the air show. 250' CU of Minister of Defense and Gen. Salinas donning flight gear, getting ready for a demonstration ride in a T-33. 320' MS of Maj. Yeager seated in cockpit of the general's T-33; Gen. Salinas seated in the rear cockpit--aircraft taxis out of parking area. 339' RV of the T-33 taxiing. 350' SV of T-33 taxiing on ramp--canopy is lowered as it taxis past camera. 369' CU low angle of an F-86 on display. Several views of the F-86. 400' CU of an F-84 airman is turning the front landing gear. 406' CU of the general's T-33. Gen. Hood greets one of the VIP's as he alights from the aircraft. 432' CU low angle, two children examining the cockpit of a T-33. 450' Several views of Maj. Yeager talking to some of the personnel at the air show. 500' LS of the American Embassy, Mexico City, Mexico. 514' MS of airman entering bus. 526' CU of man selling a bullfight program. 531' CU of mixed personnel entering the arena. 537' High angle shot down into the arena showing the bul1fight in progress. This is at the Mexico Palace Arena. 669' Total footage in reel. Reel 19: CU direct FV C-124 being towed toward camera on wet runway. 7' MS 3/4 FV of stationary C-124 on wet runway. 18' CU FV C-124, loading doors open--ramp is extended. 32' CU of men loading spare parts into the aircraft. 45' CU of loadmaster talking into microphone. 54' CU of jeep in a C-124, Gen. Hood walking alongside of jeep. 60' CU RV Gen. Hood walking down the ramp--group of officers in bg. 71' Low angle looking under the tail section of a C-119--Red Cross truck is driving toward aircraft--tail section of C-46 in bg. 79' MS Ext high angle down on group of men standing on ramp receiving shots. 88' CU of men receiving shots. 99' CU of sign: PROHIBIDO, EL PASO AL PUBLICO. 104' CU nose section of C-124--ramp is extended. 107' CU RV of a man's shirt--written on it: AERONAVEN DE MEXICO, S. A. 1ll' SLATE: OPIOSD NEWSREEL TEAM. 1/16/54. CAMERAN: ST0UGHTON. 118' MS of a squadron of military police marching. 131' CU, patch on sleeve: MEXICO. 143' CU of civilian with a band on the arm: COMISION DE RECEPCION. 151' CU low angle, two officers (Mexican). 161' MCU of mule cart--Mexican seated on two drums which he is hauling--camera pans left with the cart. 175' CU of a Mexican worker--a modern building under construction is in bg. 185' SLATE: 16 JAN. CAMERAMAN: ST0UGHTON. 189' MS T-33 taxiing toward camera. 201' CU of Mexican VIP's welcoming Gen. Hood. 221' MS news reporters, and other personnel congregated around the officers and Gen. Hood. Several views of Gen. Hood talking to the VIP's. 265' INT CU Gen. Hood talking to high ranking Mexican military officers. 287' MS G/A of the F-84 Thunderbirds flying diamond-shaped formation to the left--camera pans with the formation--group of personnel along ramp observing the air show. 300' MS of the flight line--gasoline truck is driving away from camera. At right of scene personnel are standing along a roped-in area watching the air show. 322' CU high angle of some of the crowd. 334' MS high angle of crowd running along the runway to the left--crowd in fg is standing still. 345' CU dolly shot as camera truck drives along a fenced-in area-crowd standing in bg. 367' CU of an AF officer talking to boy. 371' Several views of the officer interviewing civilians. 390' SLATE: 16 JAN. MEXICO. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 394' Posed scene of nine officers including the Thunderbird pilots, Maj. Yeager, possibly Col. Hernadeaz of the Mexican Air Force--F-84 Thunderbird in bg. 419' CU of civilian and military VIP's. 425' CU of Gen. Hood talking with a Mexican officer. 441' MS low angle of Gen. Hood and Mexican officers standing on the review stand. 448' MS 3/4 FV of four Thunderbirds stationary on ramp--camera makes a quick pan right to show officers finding their seats on the review stand. 467' MS RV of Mexican with one leg, using a crutch, holding a small child, standing on ramp. In medium fg, MP's are standing at each side of frame--stationary F-84 Thunderbirds in bg. Another angle, same scene description. 492'CU INT Gen. Hood and other officers drinking cocktails. Gen. Hood and Mexican officer make a toast. 522' CU Gen. Hood and Mexican officer both holding an envelope. 543' CU low angle, head and shoulders of Gen. Hood--camera pans over to the Mexican officer. 555' MS of Gen. Hood and other officers as they walk through the gates to a cemetery. 574' MS of officers standing near a gravemarker during the services. Shows the placing of a huge wreath near the monument. 593' Several CU's of the crowd watching the air show. 623' 16 JAN 1954. MEXICO. CAMERAMAN: ST0UGHTON. 632' CU low angle, nose section of C-124--AF personnel atop fuselage. 640' MS fenced-in area--crowd observing the air show. Several views of the crowd--camera pans up with the f1yover of a diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds. 690' CU of Gen. Hood and two other officers as they walk through the cemetery. 696' CU of the honor guard--camera pans left to a MS of the cemetery. 713' CU of sign over the entrance of the cemetery: EOTEGELAS AGUILAS GAIDAS. Camera pans down to group of military personnel standing at attention. 724' SLATE: 16 JAN 54. MEXICO. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 732' CU of sign: F-86 SABREJET--explanation of aircraft is written in the native tongue. 746' Poster of the F-80 Shooting Star--explanation of same in the native tongue. 758' Repeat of same on the F-84. 769' Repeat of same on the SA-16. 782'CU side of fuselage of an F-86 showing insignia which represents the 12 flags of Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, British Guiana, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and Cuba. 790' Total footage in reel. Reel 20: ROLL 2209. SLATE: CAMERAMAN: GRAMELSPACHER. 17 JAN 54. MEXICO CITY. 3' CU of Gen. Hood and Col. Ferandes Vega conversing. 13' CU of Maj. Barte talking with Mrs. Flloyd Gray--they are Making a recording. Several angles, same scene description. 32' CU of Maj. Barte as he converses with Mrs. Norman Hovde. 39' CU low angle of personnel as they enter the stands. 54' Several CU's, MS's, & LS's, same scene description. 93' MS high angle down on the Commander of the Army in Mexico City and his staff talking with Gen. Hood. 112' MS high angle of the Commander of the Army in Mexico City, his staff, and Gen. Hood walking up steps to the bleachers. ll9' MS high angle SV of the four F-84 Thunderbirds on ramp aircraft in fg pulls out of parking area. 134' CU of small Mexican boy. 138' Low angle of the crowd shielding their eyes from the sun as they observe an air show. Several angles, same scene description. 174' MS low angle of formation of four F-86's making a fly-by to the right--crowd in fg. 185' CU high angle down on crowd. 203' LS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds--crowd in fg. The Thunderbirds, f1ying diamond shaped, initiate a barrel roll. 221' LS of the terminal building at Mexico City--camera pans right. 246' CU of Capt. Al D. Quinones talking on a loudspeaker. 252' MS of the crowd waving. 262' CU of mother and children. 271' CU of Maj. Charles J. Bowers a1ighting from an F-86. 280' CU of the Commander of the Army of Mexico City being interviewed by news reporters. 294' CU of USAF officer explaining a helmet worn by the AF pi1ots. 305' CU of USAF officer explainng the operation of an F-84 to the officers. 313' MS 3/4 RV of an F-86 on display. 334' High angle shot, camera pans left with the aircraft on display--they are: F-86's, F-84 Thunderbirds, C-124 in far bg. 347' MS of T-33 taxiing toward camera. 358' CU of Mexican Gen. Soliness getting out of T-33 after his ride. His little girl runs into scene from the left and kisses him. Gen. Hood greets the Mexican general. 386' SLATE: SAN ANTONI0. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 409' MS low angle looking toward the rear of C-124--ramp is wet. Elevator is extended from the lower fuselage. 422' MS 3/4 RV of C-124--auxiliary power units, in the lower frame, are ready to be loaded into the aircraft--camera pans right, stops on full frame of the C-124 in bg. 442' MS showing the loading of the auxiliary power units. 482' CU the placing of the hooks onto these units. 498' High angle shot down on the unit as it is hoisted into the C-124. 503' MS of a tug driving toward camera pulling a long train of supplies. 528' RV same scene description. Several angles, same scene description. 594' CU of loaded forklift, driving toward the elevator on a C-124--another C-124 and cargo to be loaded in bg. 597' High angle shot down over the shoulder of an officer as he briefs the crew. 609' CU of the crew members during the briefing. 619'MS group of military and civilian personnel walking toward camera. In fg, loading ramps of C-24; in bg, stationary C-124. Men walk toward camera and enter the C-124. 631' CU low angle of the military personnel boarding the C-124. 644' MS direct FV looking into the nose section of C-124 as military and civilian enter it. 652' CU of two right engines of C-124 running--aircraft is airborne. 664' CU of the copilot. 675' CU looking through the doors of C-124 as ramps are lowered--crowd in bg. 689' CU of news reporters interviewing the arrivals. 701' SLATE: 22 JAN. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. ALBROOK AFB. 703' CU of the flags of Paraguay and Brazil behind the review stands--camera pans left to show a long line of flags. 726' CU SV of C-124 in flight--mountainous bg. 791' LS of clouds--wing tip of C-124 is visible at left of scene. 807' Repeat same scene description--wing tip at right of scene. 816' CU of the aircraft engine while in flight over water. 828' ALS of mountainous terrain and coastline. 389' SLATE: 23 JAN. LIMA, PERU. LS of the approach to Lima-Tambo Airport. 912' ALS of Bay of Lima. 931' AMS of the runway as seen from the camera ship. 944' Dolly shot of the air terminal as camera ship taxis on runway. 957' MS high angle of Air Force Mission Chief, Lima, greeting Col. Waesche, Deputy Commander, Will Tour Task Force. 965' Total footage in reel. Reel 21: ROLL 2218. POSSIBLE LOCATI0N: ARGENTINA. CU of Gen. Hood, Maj. Yeager, and other officers conversing. 3' INT room, men seated around the conference table, some standing. 18' MS high angle down on ramp--Gen. Hood's T-33 in bg; crowd in fg. 29' LS across airfield, F-86 taxiing left on ramp--mountainous bg. Camera pans right with another F-86 taxiing. 57' LS across airfield, stationary C-46's, C-54 on ramp--diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds make a pass to the left. 65' High angle down on a group of personnel watching the air show. 73' CU of sign: EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 81' Posed line of V1P's, five officers and one civilian, one of the officers is Gen. Hood. Closer view, same scene description. 104' CU of propeller on a statue, written on one of the blades: A JORGE CHAVEZ. 112' CU of plaque on the statue: A JORGE CHAVEZ LA AVIACION ARGENTINA. CU of plaque on statue: HOMENA DE LA AVIACION MILTAR VENEZULANA A JORGE CHAVEZ. 129' CU of a wreath, card on same: MAJOR GENERAL, USAF, REUBEN C. HOOD. 138' Direct vertical shot of the statue. 150'MS of civilian personnel looking toward camera. 157' MS posed picture of group of officers standing at the base of the large statue. 167' MS of the statue--honor guard and band marching away from it. 174' CU of tail section of an aircraft--written on it: LIMA. 184' MS camera pans with band marching in front of terminal. 204' MS camera pans left with the colors. 215' MS of squadron of military personnel marching--guns and bayonets on shoulders. 224' MS group of officers and civilians standing in front of the airport terminal. 231' CU of VIP's. 245' CU of Gen. Hood as he greets a civilian--greeting includes a bear hug. 255' Several views of Gen. Hood shaking hands and being welcomed by officers and civilians. 275' MLS of large monument--man standing in fg. 290' MS over group of officers as they march up to the base of the monument. 300' CU FV of a large wreath--three USAF officers carry the wreath to the base of the monument. 330' MS of officers presenting arms--wreath and statue in bg. Camera pans to the top of the monument. 349' CU of three USAF officers facing camera, saluting. Officer in center is Gen. Hood--wreath and monument in bg. 357' CU of squadron of officers saluting. 370' MS of three AF officers saluting. 378' MS of the reviewing officers--squadrons standing at parade rest in bg; mountains in far bg. Several views of ceremony in progress. 414'LS over the heads of officers observing the air show--two Thunderbirds fly by to the right. 420' MS looking through the colors toward Gen. Hood, civilians, and officers as they present arms. 427' MS of band and squadrons lined up--flag bearer ho1ding the flag of Peru. 430' Several views of the ceremony in progress. 460' MS camera pans right with Gen. Hood, civilian, and officer as they review the troops. 465' CU low angle looking up through the guns and bayonets on the shoulders of the soldiers. 472' High angle looking over the heads of the squadron as Gen. Hood and party make inspection. 483' SLATE: TALARA, PERU. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 486' MS high angle, group of personnel standing on ramp, loading doors of C-124 open at the right of the scene--two men walk down the ramp in fg. 495' MS RV of standing at "parade rest" in fg--in bg, C-124, nose open. 509' MS 3/4 FV stationary C-124, loading ramp extended--in fg a "follow-me" truck. The sign also has: SIGAME, underneath that: FOLLOW-ME. Camera pans left to the soldiers. 535' High angle shot down on mixed personnel. 554' MS & CU of the native soldiers standing, looking at a C-124--one of the native military men is passing out souvenir photos of the C-124. 567' CU group of native boys--one of them is holding a copy of Sky1ine magazine. 578' CU of Peruvian women holding souvenir pictures. 583' SLATE: LIMA, PERU. 20 JAN. 586' INT of the Lima-Tambo Airport Terminal--CU of painting on walls. 583' ECU of part of the painting. 599' MS of the approach to the airport--flag (Peru) in fg. 614' CU of a clock--sign under same: PERU VIA PANAGRA. 621' CU of map pinpointing Lima, Peru. 629' CU of another map pinpointing Lima. 637' CU nose section C-124, ramps are extended--crew members are passing out pictures and information sheets on the C-124. 648' CU looking over the shoulders of one of the natives looking at Skyline magazine. 654' CU of a sergeant passing out pictures to Peruvians. 671' MS RV of AF officers explaining the operation of an F-86 to spectators. 679' CU of VIP in the rear seat of T-33 getting ready for a demonstration flight. Several views of the donning of the helmet and oxygen mask. 720' CU SV as canopy is lowered and T-33 taxis right--ground crew member signaling in fg. 741' Several views of VIP's preparing for ride, they include Maj. Chenault, Gen. Flores, Gen. Garcia of the Peruvian Air Force, and the American Ambassador to Peru, going for jet ride. 813' LS SV of T-33 taxiing to the left. 820' Several CU's of the VIP's preparing for their ride. 833' CU SV of a T-33, carrying Commandant Schroth, 12th Squadron, Peru Air Force, taxiing right. 844' CU as a T-33 taxis left, turns to a direct FV. 865' CU low angle of the commandant as he alights from the aircraft. 877' MS full frame of the oldest cathedral in Peru. 891' LS of public square. 900' LS of the cathedral. 914' MS top of government building--Peruvian flag flying full mast. 925' CU of woman selling lottery tickets seated on steps. 930' CU of a section of the cathedral, showing unique sculpture work. 941' LS camera pans right with the takeoff of two F-86's. 973' RV of the aircraft immediately after takeoff. 982' Total footage in reel. Ree1 22: ALS of mountainous terrain--an SA-16 visible in upper frame. 80' ALS of Los Carrillos airport a glider aircraft is at a lower altitude flying pattern for landing--camera pans over to the runway. 101' SLATE: IN FLIGHT TO SANTIAGO. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 104' CU of twins, Lilly and Peta Montrose, of Santiago, with Captain Pattillo and his brother, (Thunderbird pilots). The brothers place their helmets at the back of the twins' heads. Repeat same scene description. 165' MS of the three Thunderbird pilots with Chilean girls walking toward camera. 170' CU of Capt. Patti1lo and one of the Montrose twins--camera pans over to the other brother and twin. 181' Group shot of the twins and the brothers. 190' MS of the brothers showing the twins the F-84 aircraft. l99' LS SV stationary C-124-SA-16 loading procedres in progress in bg. 212' CU of the native officers. 216' LS and MS high angle, tail section of C-124 and SA-16 on ramp. 235' Shows a partially built hangar. 237' MS RV group of personnel standing in front of the hangar--C-124 and SA-16 on ramp in bg. 250' MS SV C-124 on ramp--T-6 (Chile) in fg. 270' Camera pans right with a gasoline truck as it drives down ramp. 275' SLATE: ANTOFOGASTA. CHILE. CAMERAMAN: ST0UGHTON. 284' MS low angle, crew members, using a five-gallon can on the wing section of the SA-16 refueling engines. 301' MS 3/4 FV of an SA-16 on disp1ay. 310' MS of Chilean official, seated in the rear cockpit of a T-33, as its operation is explained. 331' MS of officer explaining the operation of T-33 to a man seated in a wheelchair. 338' MS of Maj. Chuck Yeager standing in back of the wheelchair--in bg, Gen. Hood's T-33. 348' CU of three small children seated on the aircraft wing. 358' CU of Gen. Hood and Chilean VIP'S. 373' CU camera pans right to show the VIP's. 390' MS of the VIP's as the operation of the T-33 is explained. 392' MS of the crowd. 405' MS FV stationary C-124 with ramp extended--large crowd of people around; jeep driving in fg. 412' MS of three Chilean men in uniform standing in the shade of an aircraft wing--camera pans left with a gasoline truck in bg. 428' MS 3/4 FV refueling of an SA-16. 439' MCU & CU same scene description. 459' CU gasoline truck backs up to the wing section of an SA-16. 475' CU of the nose section of an SA-16 air crew members atop aircraft. 48l' CU of sticker on side of equipment which reads: FROM USA FOR MUTUAL DEFENSE. 490' CU low angle of gasoline truck. 501' CU fuselage of C-47--written on aircraft: THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE. 506' CU RV VIP's walking away from camera. 515' Several views of the VIP's examining an SA-16. 538' MS looking out through the loading doors on a C-124--crowd in bg. 543' CU of Chi1ean military in white uniforms. 551' CU of Gen. Hood and Chilean officer as review a native band.562' CU of VIP's as they review the troops. 564' CU of Gen. Hood and Chi1ean officers conversing. 570' CU of the crowd walking toward camera--camera pans to the right. 591' CU of Gen. Hood and Chilean VIP's as they walk up on review stand. 609' MS of wreath-laying ceremony in public square. 620' MS as Chilean flag is raised on flagstaff. 625' LS the raising of the American flag on flagstaff near the monument. 636' CU RV the placing g of wreath at base of monument by USAF officers. Several views of the wreath-laying ceremony. 676' CU of Gen. Hood talking to the officers of Chile. 687' CU of license plate: SANTIAGO. 696' CU of poster, taped on windshield of automobi1e, which reads: DELEGACION NORTE AMERICANA, CAR NO. 5. 7O3' MS of crowd along the roped-in area. 715' MCU of T-33 on display. 720' LS of the terminal. 731' MS camera pans right with the low fly-by of four F-86's. 741' MS low angle of personnel atop building watching the air show. 748' MS the entrance to Hotel Carrera. 755' Street scene in Santiago, Chile. 777' CU of license plate: CIUDAD de BUENOS AIRES. 786' MS of the terminal at Pistarini Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 794' High angle shot down on parkng 1ot--cars moving onto traffic circle in fg. 801' High angle shot down on the ramp at Pistarini Airport. 815' High angle shot down on C-124 on display. 829' High angle shot down on ramp showing large crowd of people. 848' MS high angle of ramp--stationary C-54 in bg. Formation of three F-86's immediately after takeoff--camera pans with the aircraft. 858' CU of portrait painting. 864' High angle shot down on square. 879' CU of inscription on monument: EL TERV A LA GLORIA DE BERNAD0 O'HIGGINS, CAPTAIN GENERAL, CHILE. 886' CU low angle, statue atop monument. 893' MS of crowd along roped area. 908' MS of squadron standing at attention (Chilean). 927' CU of two small children. 935' MS camera close to monument showing ceremony in progress. 941' CU of inscription on monument written in a foreign 1anguage: IN H0NOR OF GRAL. BERNARDO O'HIGGINS. 949' Total footage in reel. Ree1 23: CU 3/4 FV of commercial-type C-47--written on side of same: CINEA AEREA NACIONAL CHILEAN. 8' CU's & MS's of Gen. Hood talking to Chilean officers. 53' MS 3/4 RV of Chilean commercial-type C-47 stationary on ramp--personnel in fg. 63' MS of Chilean officers--in fg,Gen. Hood seated by one of the Chilean officers--control tower in bg. 82' CU same scene description--Gen. Hood, wearing a flight suit, walks down through a long line of officers. 107' MS looking through the door of a C-124--some of the passengers, carrying their gear, walk down the ramp. 122' EXT view, same scene description. 133' High angle vertical shot down on monument showing wreath-laying ceremony--camera pans up to show harbor in bg, then pans back to the monument. 207' CU of building--written on it: CARRASCO, URUGUAY. 229' CU of license plate: MONTEVIDEO. 237' CU cameraman sighting through an aerial camera--F-84 Thunderbird in bg. 245'INT Gen. Hood and officers being interviewed by the press. 263' MS of three flags flying full mast (Uruguay). 270' High angle shot down on T-33 on display. 277' High angle shot on F-84 Thunderbird on display. 289' CU of stands which people walk up on to examine aircraft--F-84 on display in bg. 301' MS the Operations Building at Carrasco Airport, Uruguay. 313' CU license plate: SANTIAGO. 321' ELS of RATO of jet aircraft. 332' LS of crowd, roped-in area. 356' LS over ramp--stationary SA-16 at left of scene. 373' MS of crowd. 392' MCU the completion of the bomb burst maneuver by the F-84's. 401' CU & MS of some of the spectators. 425' Dolly shot from an aircraft flying low shows F-84's, T-33's, and SA-16's on display on ramp at Carrasco Airport. Repeat same scene description. 472' MS as seen from an aircraft as it flies along road leading to the airport, road is crammed with autos. 476' INT Gen. Hood and Uruguay VIP's (military). 526' CU of group of hats on the desk. Several views of Gen. Hood and Uruguay VIP's, one, possibly Gen. Frias. 575' ACU of crowded street leading to the airport. 604' MLS from low flying aircraft shows C-124, C-118, SA-16, F-80, and T-33 on display. 676' CU of Uruguay officer as he examines the cockpit of an F-84--he dons helmet, climbs into cockpit, then climbs out of the F-84. 728' Several CU's of personnel examining the aircraft. 734' MS of a T-33 taxiing to the right. 745' CU low angle of T-33. 752' MS of T-33 taxiing toward camera. Several views of the VIP's from Uruguay receiving demonstration flights--shows them prior to and after the flight. 834' AV of partially snow-covered mountains. 855' LS of four -story administrative building at Pistarini Airport, Argentina--flight tower in bg. Squadrons of military personnel standing in parade formation in fg. 869' CU tail section of an F-80. 879' CU of the Operations Building. 890' CU of lieutenant talking on microphone. 909' CU of USAF officer holding radio. 9ll' CU of Maj. Yeager talking over microphone. 919' CU low angle of officers scanning the sky. 926' MLS of Thunderbirds in diamond-shaped formation doing a barrel roll. 954' CU RV motion picture cameraman photographing the Thunderbirds. 959' MS of the crowd in roped-in area watching the air show. 970' Total footage in reel. Reel 24: SLATE: ARGENTINA. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 3' MLS of the termina1 at Pistarini Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina--wing section of C-124 in fg. 15' MS of an F-84 on display. 22' MS of an F-84, T-33, and C-124 on display. 35' MS of Argentine troops standing at attention. 46' MS of Gen. Hood and Argentine officers as they review the troops. 52' Several CU's of the officers greeting each other. 76' CU of Gen. Hood as he explains the operation of an F-80 to Argentine officers. Another angle, same scene description. 89' MS of Gen. Hood escorting officers on a tour to see the aircraft. 126' CU of draped flags, arms, and emblems. 133' MS of officers standing on review stand. 163' LS crowd on ramp. 165' LS stationary F-84 Thunderbirds on ramp--jet aircraft pulling into steep climb leaving white vapor trails in bg. 196' MS of the terminial building. 205' CU of Juan Peron, President of Argentina, as he enters building. 213' CU of Gen. Hood and Pres. Peron as they walk throuqh the crowd toward elevator. 222' CU low angle of the Artigas statue at Montevideo, Uruguay. 227' CU of Gen. Frias, Chief of the Air Force, Uruguay. 238' CU RV of Gen. Hood and another Air Force officer as they lay a wreath at the base of the statue. 248' CU of Gen. Hood and other USAF officers presenting arms. 259' CU of the wreath. 266' CU of the guard standing at the base of the statue. 276' CU of Gen. Hood and two of the VIP's standing at the base of the statue. 288' High angle shot of the crowd standing around the statue. 294' MS of the guard at the base of the statue. 305' CU of the monument--printed on it: ARTIGAS. 313' CU SV of statue atop the monument. 319' High angle shot downt on an an F-86, F-84 Thunderbird, and T-33 on display. 322' CU high angle of F-86 on display. 328' CU high angle of F-84 on display, (Thunderbird). 339' CU high angle of F-86 on display. 347' MS high angle of SA-16 on display. 356' MS of truck driving out on ramp. 359' MS of C-124 taxiing on ramp toward camera. 373' MS SV nose section of C-124--crowd at the right of scene. Cargo doors open and ramp is extended. 397' MS looking through the nose of the C-124--crowd in bg. 400' CU of four pilots conversing. 425' CU of an AF officer explaining the operation of a T-33 VIP enters the cockpit of a T-33 and adjusts the harness. 465' CU of Maj. Yeager as he prepares to take a VIP for a ride in the general's T-33. 471' MS SV two T-33's on ramp--aircraft taxi out. 505' MS group of officers standing in a semi-circle. 507' LOCATION: GEORGETOWN, BRITISH GUIANA. 513' MS of a terminal at Atkinson Field, Georgetown, British Guiana. 519' MS low angle, personnel standing on the balcony. 533' MS RV of Air Force of Scots Hignland officers--F-84 Thunderbirds peeling and climbing in far bg. 550' CU FV of Scots Hihgland officers. 558'MS low angle of flag f1ying full mast. 569'MS SV of T-33 taxiig to the right. 580' MS RV personne1 from British Guiana welcoming Gen. Hood. 609' SLATE: BELEM, BRAZIL. 612' MS SV of C-54, Gen. Hood and staff alight from aircraft. 621' MS of Gen. Hood and Brazilian officers saluting--honor guard walks up, salutes with sword, and Gen. Hood returns the salute. 642' MS of Gen. Hood and Brazilian officers as they review the troops. 661' MS of Gen. Hood as he greets a squadron of officers individua11y. 675' MS RV of troops marching. 682' LS of troops marching--the reviewing officers in fg. 691' MS SV the reviewing officers as they salute. 697' CU of Brazilian troops marching. 706' Several CU's of cameraman and ground crew members eating IF-4 rations. 735' SLATE: CARAVELAS, BRAZIL. 743' MS RV of Brazilian troops standing at attention. 756' MS of the troops marching in front of the terminal--they halt and stand at attention. 765' LS of troops marching away from camera. 771' MS as the squadrons march away from camera and do a "right face." 775' LS formation of four F-86's flying toward camera line-astep--aircraft gain altitude, then bank to their left. 786' MS looking under the engine of a C-124 toward F-86's taxiing toward camera in bg. 793' MCU of F-86 taxiing to the left. 801' CU refueling of F-86. 809' CU 3/4 FV of F-86, C-124, and C-47--tail section of F-84 at left of scene. 812' CU of a major as he climbs out of the cockpit of an F-86. 821' CU of F-86--ground crewman in fg is pulling a refuelig hose toward the aircraft. 827' CU of the rear of gasoline truck. CU of the gauges on the gasoline truck. 836' CU high angle of an F-86 being refueled. 857' CU nose section of an F-86--natives looking into it. 863' CU of the refueling of an F-86, main fuselage. 874' Total footage in reel. Reel 25: 4' MS down ramp at Los Carrillos Airport, Santiago, Chile--line of F-86's at right. 15' MS of line of F-86's, and T-33's on ramp--C-54's and C-124's in bg. 24' MLS of crowd at the airport--C-45's at left of scene. 33' CU of one of the Thunderbird pilots, Capt. Pattillo, talking to one of the Montrose twins--he is wearing his helmet. Another view, same scene description. 48' MS of the twins and the two brothers as they walk toward the F-84 aircraft. Several views of the twins inspecting the aircraft. 74' Several views of the guards looking over the F-84 aircraft. SLATE: SCENE NO. 34. 90' MS of a crowd along roped-in area. Another view, same scene description. 109' MS of crowd observing the air show--people are sitting on crane in bg. 115' MS group of people as they rush across ramp. 126' MS RV of police running to control the spectators. 133' MS low angle of spectators on the control tower. 144' Several CU's of the spectators watching the air show. 180' CU of one of the guards. 182' CU from over wing section of C-124 of F-84 taxiing flight tower in far bg. 197' SCENE NO. 36. 201' MS of man seated on foot rest on a guide pole. 209' MS direct FV of C-124 taxiing. 219' CU 3/4 FV C-124 taxiing. 231' MS 3/4 FV stationary C-124. 245' MS RV two girls standing in the shade of the wing of a C-124 watching the Thunderbirds in bg. 253' CU of girl shading her eyes watching the show--she turns, making a face toward camera. 263' LS looking across the ramp at spectators along a roped-in area--Thunderbirds performing in bg. 274' MCU 3/4 RV of F-84 Thunderbird taxiing, followed by another F-84. 283' MS of the spectators--SA-16 on display in bg. 308' Cu low angle of a sergeant showing his two children the cockpit of a T-33. Another angle, same scene description. 325' MS of Argentine troops, led by band, marching into airport. 350' MS of terminal--people standing on roof. 359' CU low angle of Jesuits standing on roof near a flag similar to United States flag (in place of the square containing 48 stars, there is a solid dark blue square approximately twice the length)--camera pans left to show the EL Salvador flag. 375' SCENE NO. 37. MS of band marching on ramp. 386' High angle shot down on band and troops standing in parade formation--cameraman stand on aerostand in left fg--T-33 taxiing toward camera in bg. 392' CU of Gen. Hood as he alights from his T-33. 400' CU of Gen. Hood as he shakes hands with the Chief of Argentine Air Force---other officers, both American and Argentine in bg. Several views of the officers greeting Gen. Hood and Maj. Yeager. 423' CU of two USAF, two Argentine officers, and one civilian standing in review, presenting arms. 428' CU SV of the band leader. 436' MS of Gen. Hood and party reviewing the troops. 446' CU of Gen. Hood talking on microphone--woman news reporter at his right--Argentine officers and civilians in bg. 452' CU of Gen. Hood talking on microphone. 460' CU of a draped flag; arms of Argentina in center. 464' CU of a draped flag; arms of the United States in center. 473' MS low angle, Argentine officer standing on top of building. 480' MS of T-33 on display. 487' CU's of Maj. Yeager being interviewed by reporters. 512' CU Argentine dignitary seated in the rear cockpit of T-33--Maj. Yeager and another officer talking to the VIP. 525' MS of Argentine military man. 549' MS of T-33 taxiing left--C-124 and SA-16 in bg. 554' CU of an Argentine VIP as he alights from T-33. 570' Repeat same scene description. 576' MS Gen. Hood and five Argentine officers walk toward camera. 580' MS of Gen. Hood and Argentine officers as they inspect troops. 592' High angle shot of officers and news reporters. Several CU's of the officers and Gen. Hood. 626' CU of cockpit of an F-8O--officers inspecting aircraft in bg. 647' Several CU's of officers. 668' SLATE: BUENOS AIRES. MLS of limousine under carport--honor guard at right of scene. 676' MS of Gen. Hood, Pres. Peron, and party walking toward camera. 700' MS of honor guard. 709' MS of the review stand, officers taking their places. 712' High angle shot down on mixed personnel clapping. 722' The review stand, officers standing--a USAF officer is motioning to crowd to be quiet. 729' LS of the troops marching off the field. 746' MS of the terninal--large group of personnel standing on balcony. 757' MS of private plane of Pres.--personnel stoop in the shade of the aircraft. 766' LS of the aircraft terminal at Pistarini Airport. 775' CU of some of the crowd. 784' MS of formation of three F-86's buzzing the field to the right. 792' MS fly-by of three F-86's to the left. 802' MLS F-84 Thunderbirds, in diamond-shaped formation, do a fly-by to the right, climb, then fly out of top frame. 810' CU of crowd reaction. 827' RV of some of the crowd--in bg, F-86 taxis to the right. 834' MS crowd running away from camera. 836' SLATE: SCENE NO. 42. 840' MS & CU of the crowd. 866' MS of the Thunderbird pilots being greeted by Argentine officers. 874' High angle, same scene description. 876' High angle shot looking down on the Thunderbird aircraft; crowd is viewing them--large crowd grouped around C-124 in bg. 897' MS of the terminal. 9O4' High angle shot down on ramp. 914' LS high angle of SA-16 on display. 931' LS high angle of C-124 on display. 936' Total footage in reel. Reel 26: CU of Gen. Hood standing at the nose section of a T-33. VIP dressed in a flying suit, enters the rear cockpit of the aircraft. 20' CU of the VIP seated in the cockpit. Several CU's of VIP's preparing for their demonstration ride. 52' MS SV T-33 taxiing to the left. 64' CU VIP seated in cockpit--AF officer shows him how to don an oxygen mask. 80' CU of pilot as he enters the front cockpit of the T-33. 86' MS posed shot of Gen. Hood, an AF officer, and two Venezuelan officers--in bg, SA-16; in far bg, mountains. 98' CU RV of Gen. Hood and two other officers as they walk up steps to building which houses SIMONIN BOLIVAR CINEBE'S TOMBS. 102' Low vertical shot looking up to the tower of the tomb. INT of the tomb as officers and civilians walk toward the casket. Shows Gen. Hood laying wreaths at the base of the casket--heads of the officers and civilians are bowed. l58' CU of Gen. Hood as he signs the register. 165' CU of the inscription at the base of the tomb: SIMONIN BOLIVAR CINEBES. 184' CU of group of officers standing. l90' High angle shot down on swimming pool. 200' CU of officers scanning the sky. 222' MS RV jet aircraft taking off in a steep climb--mountainous bg. 232' MS of crowd watching the air show. 252' MS camera pans left with a T-33 in flight. 270' MLS of F-84 Thunderbirds flying line-astep, then doing a fly-by to the right. 282' CU of the officers scanning the sky. 293' CU of Gen. Hood seated in a lounge with a VIP. Several CU's of VIP's in lounge. 378' CU of sign: COMANDANCIA FUERZAS AEREA. 388' MS of the officers--news reporters entering building. 391' INT Gen. Hood and officer seated on couch. 419' CU of sign: JEFATURA DEL ESTADO, MAYOR GENERAL. 426' CU of Gen. Hood as he hands an envelope to an officer. 438' CU of the mayor general seated at desk. 451' MS of Gen. Hood and the mayor general seated at desk. 463' CU of sign: ESTACHO DEL MINISTRO. 472' CU of Venezuelan license plate. 476' CU of sign on side of fuselage: FUERGAS ARMANDAS SERVICIO DE TRANSP0RTE VENEZUELA. 489' MS of crowd. 498' MS RV of officers looking across airfield--mountains in bg. 5l2' CU of Gen. Hood being greeted by Venezuelan officers. Several CU's of the officers exchanging greetings. 572' CU of plaque: AMERICAN EMBASSY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 582' CU of the American flag flying full mast. 592' CU of Gen. Hood, USAF officers and civilians. 633' Low angle from the balcony of building down into valley where city is located. 655' MS of an F-86 and an F-84 on display. 662' CU nose section of an F-86 on display. Several views of mixed personnel viewing the aircraft on display. 702' High angle shot down on crowd as seen through the nose section of C-124. 716' CU as officers walk up the ramp into the nose section of C-124. 725' CU of Pres. Trujille of the Dominican Republic in the cockpit of C-124. 733' RV of officers as they walk down the ramp of C-124. 74O' RV of the crowd as they walk toward an SA-16 on dislay. 755' MLS arrival of B-l7 carring Lt. Gen. Laurence Kuter, Commanding General, Air University, at Kelly AFB, Texas. Shows the general present arms, then walk toward color guard. 771' MS 3/4 FV of the color guard as Gen. Kuter makes his inspection. 788' LS across flight line--C-47 stationary on ramp; in far bg, formation of jet aircraft. 805' CU 3/4 FV nose section of Gen. Hood's T-33. CU of the cockpit of the T-33, Gen. Hood and Maj. Yeager wearing ten-gallon hats. Gen. Hood removes the hat and places uniform hat on head. 818' MS of Maj. Yeager standing on ladder wearing ten-gallon hat. 822' LS across the ramp showing T-33's, C-47's, and F-84's stationary. 828' MS of honor guard and Gen. Hood's party as they present arms. 838' MS Gen. Hood as he walks between the honor guards. 856' MS of Gen. Hood talking with Mexican VIP's: Col. Fernadaz, Mexican AF; Gen. Salinas, Minister of Defense; and others. Several angles, EXT and INT, same scene description. 946' LS of large resort-type building. 958' CU low angle of the Brazilian flag flying full mast. 97O' MS of the lawn in front of government building--Cadillac, with 2-star license, drives up to doorway. 1014' Total footage in reel. Reel 27: SLATE: DOMINlCAN REPUBLIC. 10 Feb 1954. CU of officer seated at desk. 10' CU INT group of men, including Gen. Hood and the VIP's from the Dominican Republic, seated, conversing. 20' Several individual CU views. 40' CU of sign: AVIACION MILITAR DIMINICANA JEFATURA de ESTADO MAYOR. 50' CU of Gen. Hood and Chief of the Dominican Air Force. Another angle, same scene description. 89' CU of Dominican officer. (Negro) 94' CU low angle Dominican Republic's flag flying full mast. 1OO' SLATE: GEORGETOWN. 7 FEB. 1Ol' CU of Maj. Yeager lying on wing of aircraft--a scots Highlander is talking to him. Sevaral angles, same scene description. 136' CU low angle as Maj. Yeager explains the operation of T-33 to a Scots Highlander. Several angles, same scene description. 149' MS of C-54 taxiing toward camera--Scots Highlander and USAF military personnel in fg. 164' CU of sign giving the distance to various locations. Some of them are: SAN JUAN, RIO DE JANEIRO, NEW YORK, PORT OF SPAIN, MIAMI, BUENOS AIRES, HAVANA, MARACAIBO. 175' CU of sign: BIENVENIDO a CIUDAD TRUJILLO. 187' MS group of officers standing in line--flight tower at Atkinson Field in bg. 194' High angle looking over the shoulders of the group of officers--T-33 taxis toward camera in bg. 206' CU of Gen. Hood as he greets the dignitaries. Several angles, same scene description. 297' Street scene from camera situated in automobile. 3O9' MS of the entrance to the Embassy of the United States of America. 315' CU of sign: AMERICAN EMBASSY, UNITED STATES OF AMERlCA. 330' MS of Gen. Hood and party walking toward camera across lawn. 352' Several CU's of Gen. Hood's party. 363' MS of men walking up the steps to the Embassy entrance. INT of the Defense Building as Gen. Hood greets VIP's. 372' CU of Gen. Hood as he shakes hands with the Secretary of Defense. Several CU's of Gen. Hood and VIP's. 387' MS of Gen. Hood and party as they walk through Naval Academy honor guard. 393' CU of sign: JEFATURA de ESTADO MAYOR. 399' MS of staff car at gate of the Academia Naval. CU of the Sign. 408' CU of Gen. Hood, civilians, and officers walking to the right. 415' Several views of the wreath-1aying ceremony. 431' CU low angle, inscription on tomb: DUARTE SANCHEZ MELLA. 439' CU of brazier with flame in it. 442' MS squadrons standing at attention. (Negro) 448' MS RV of squadrons marching away from camera. 455' MS RV of reviewing officers--in bg, parade formation marching in town. 460' MS FV of the reviewing officers. 464' CU FV of the band as it marches past camera. 481' MS RV of squadrons marching in street. 488' MS FV stationary C-124--group of military (Dominican Republic) in fg. 502' MS SV stationary C-124 with ramp extended. 514' CU of a guard (Dominican Republic) standing in front of a T-33. 518' MS RV of Gen. Hood as he greets Pres. Trujillo and other dignitaries. 548' High angle shot down on Dominican Republic dignitaries as they examine the displays. 570' Several views of Pres. Truji1lo as he views the displays. 600' MS of Gen. Hood and Pres. Trujillo as they shake hands with a line of VIP's--one is the cardinal of the church. 616' A continuation of the president's tour. 635' MS of president as he walks toward limousine. 640' MS of the president and the cardinal as they enter limousine. 656' MS of mixed personnel, including the president and the cardinal, as they watch the air show. Several angles, same scene description. 722' MLS direct FV of two F-86's flying at low altitude and passing on each side of the camera. 736' MS RV line-astep formation of the F-84 Thunderbirds--RV of personnel in fg. 748' LS diamond-shaped formation of the Thunderbirds--spectators in fg. 755' LS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds. 785' CU of some of the spectators (officers) watching the air show. 803' MS of Gen. Hood as he bids good-by to the president, the cardinal, and civilians. 82l' CU of the limousine as it drives past camera. 828' CU of dignitary seated in the rear cockpit of T-33--he adjusts his straps. Several views of the VIP's preparing for a demonstration ride in T-33's--T-33's taxi out of frame. 912' CU of Capt. Nordlund seated in cockpit of an F-86. 925' CU of as VIP as he alights from a T-33. 929' CU of Gen. Hood as he talks to officers. 948' MS of a T-33 as it taxis toward camera, then turns right. 954' CU of one of the VIP's as Gen. Hood talks to him after his ride--VIP removes his Mae West. 976' Total footage in reel. Reel 28: SLATE: CARAVELAS, BRAZIL.MS of an airport terminal. 14' CU of a barbed-wire fenced area--mixed personnel behind fence in bg. 22' MS of a T-33 taxiing toward camera--airman is directing the aircraft in fg; in bg, C-124 and C-47. Aircraft taxis in to an ECU, then stops. 43' CU of Gen. Hood as he alights from T-33. 51' CU as a wing tank on the T-33 is filled. 58' Another angle, same scene description. 66' High angle 3/4 RV of T-33 being refueled--several high angle shots of the ramp showing a stationary T-33. 95' CU the refueling of wing tank on T-33. 101' CU of spectators standing on the back of a truck watching the air show. 111' CU of Gen. Hood in the front cockpit of a T-33--adjusting his straps. CU of Maj. Yeager seated in the back seat of the T-33. 126' Another angle of Gen. Hood in the cockpit of T-33. 134' MS 3/4 FV of T-33, canopy lowered. 147' CU 3/4 RV of T-33 taxiing, canopy raised. 150' CU of sign: AEROPORTO de CARAVELAS DAHIA. 161' CU of two officers and two enlisted men standing near the oxygen bottles--in bg, doors open on a C-47. Airmen make the adjustment to the oxygen bottles. 191' MS RV of an airmen puhing two oxygen bottles toward a C-54. 193' SLATE: GEORGETOWN, BRITISH GUIANA. 196' CU of Scots Highland troops looking into the exhaust of jet aircraft. 213' MS of F-86' on display. 218' CU of Scots Highland troops looking into the cockpit of an F-86. Another angle, same scene description. 241' High angle shot down on line of jet aircraft, F-80's, T-33's, F-84's and F-86's, on display. 251' LS looking throuqh the nose section of a C-124 toward other parked aircraft. 258' CU of Richard Gutch, son of the Secretary of British Guiana, climbing into the cockpit of T-33. Several views of the small boy in aircraft, wearing a helmet and handling the controls. 288' MS posed picture of a group of civilians and USAF military personnel standing and kneeling in front of a T-33--cameraman in fg. 295' CU SV of still photographer. 307' MCU of USAF officers and ground crew members posing in front of a T-33. Another--angle, same scene description. 360' MS of group of USAF officers as they walk toward camera. 371' CU of base of statue: A SANTOS DUMONT O PIONEIRO DA AVIACAO O BRASIL--camera pans to the top of the statue. 397' MS of the statue. 405' MS of the wreath-laying ceremony as Gen. Hood and another USAF officer shake hands with the VIP's. 445' CU of the wreaths. 462' CU under tail section of the C-124 on display. 465' MS of the crowd observing the air show. 475' MS wing section of C-124--camera pans to formation of four F-86', flying line-astep. MS camera pans up with the formation of four F-86's flying line-astep, then climbing--camera pans a short distance with the aircraft, then pans down on the crowd watching the aircraft; C-124 in bg. 502' MS of F-86's taxiing on ramp--camera pans left to show a diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds in far bg. F-86 taxis into scene from the right, taxis part way out of scene. 531' ELS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds performing, climbing, and completing a barrel roll. 554' CU of patch on sleeve of blouse of Brazilian officer--camera pans up to ECU of his face. 568' INT Gen. Hood being received by the dignitaries from Brazil. Several angles, same scene description. 623' MS looking out through a balcony showing beautiful gardens and fountain in bg. 637' CU of part of the garden--shows a bird shelter and parrot on perch. 649' CU of the fountain. 358' High angle shot down on Gen. Hood and VIP's as they walk toward limousine--Gen. Hood bids the VIP's goodbye. 671' Scenic view of coast line, ocean, and beach; RV of personnel looking over the scenery--camera pans up showing ELS of diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds. 699'MS camera pans left to show bathers on beach in fg; jet aircraft flying line-astep (possibly F-84's) in far bg. 7l7' ELS Thunderbirds flying diamond-shaped formation--camera pans with the aircraft as they fly over building. 731' LS looking down the beach--Rio De Janeiro in bg. 771' MS of banquet scene--officer stands and presents a toast. Camera pans over to show other officers drinking. Repeat same scene description. 793' CU of Gen Hood as he presents a toast. Several views of the banquet scene. 833' CU of the entrance to the Clube de Aeronautica. 840' MS 3/4 FV T-33 stationary on ramp--airman kneeling on wing root, then stands up. 848' CU 3/4 FV of T-33, VIP in rear cockpit. 860' MS of VIP alighting from the T-33--he removes the Mae West and hands it to another VIP who dons the Mae West. 875' High angle shot down on mixed group of personnel. 894' MS static display of an F-86--VIP's, accompanied by Gen. Hood, are examining the aircraft. 904' MS camera pans right with VIP's as they walk down ramp--static displays in bg. 9ll' CU of the secretary of Defense for Brazil as he walks up the ramp into the nose section of C-124. 918' RV of VIP' as they enter C-124. 925' CU of the Secretary of Defense for Brazil talking to Gen. Hood inside the C-124. CU of Gen. Hood and party--camera pans down looking through the access doors of the elevator. 94O' CU of Gen. Hood, another USAF officer, and airman talking--C-124 and SA-16 in bg. 947' CU of Gen. Hood and another USAF officer. 954' MS of military men (Brazil) examining the landing gear of the C-124. 964' CU of elevator loaded with with hose on a spool and other equipment. 977' MS 3/4 FV of F-80 on display. 984' MLS nose section of a C-124 on display--stationary C-47's in bg; crowd at lower right of scene. 998' CU of children looking at a display board. 1004' MS of an F-84 with paintings of the Thunderbird on it--tail section has been removed. 1012' CU of a jet engine on derrick, raised approximately three feet off ground mechanics working on engine. 1024' MS of an F-84 and a C-124 on display. 1032' Total footage in reel. Several MS's of Gen. Hood and other officers as they present a toast. 54' CU of Gen. Hood and VIP's--VIP has Gen. Hood's helmet on; T-33 at right of frame. 72' Several views of dignitaries preparing for demonstration flight--flight tower in bg, written on tower: AEROPUETO BATISTA. 102' MS tail section of Cuban B-45--written on the tail section: FUERGA& AEREA JERCITO de CUBA. 117' MS camera pans right with F-84 Thunderbirds making a fly-by. 124' CU SV nose section of Gen. Hood's aircraft. 130's MS a group of mixed personnel--still photographers in fg. 140' Several CU's of Gen. Hood and officers exchanging greetings. Severa1 CU'S of officers and civilians during the air show. 198' LS group of VIP's, including Gen. Hood and Pres. Batista, wa1king toward camera--still photographers in fg. 230' MS of the president and Gen. Hood as they walk taward the reviewing stand. Several views of the Cuban VIP's observing the air show. 275' Several scenes of crowd observing the air show. 310' LS fly-by to the right of a C-124--two T-33-'s flyng at the C-124's wingtip--camera pans with the formation. 334' LS low angle FV, C-124 fly-by to the left, outboard engine feathered. 352' MS low altitude fly-by to the right of C-124. 361' CU license plate: PRESIDENCIA CUBA. 370' MS camera pans right with the fly-by of a T-33 as it climbs with the assistance of a rocket booster. 378' MCU of review stand as the VIP's watch the air show. 388' CU of USAF captain explaining the air show. 400' MS SV of Gen. Hood's T-33; in fg, Cuban personnel--one of the Cuban VIP's is just returning from a demonstration ride. 426' High angle shot down on Cuban VIP as he puts on flying suit and dons Gen. Hood's helmet--shows the VIP in the cockpit of the aircraft. 474' LS flyover of formation of three T-33's--camera pans with the aircraft showing a direct RV. 495' CU of a certificate and wings--certificate reads: LA FUERGA AEREA EJERCITO, CUBA. 506' MS of a banquet table with VIP's seated around it--Cuban and American flags in bg. 551' CU as Gen. Hood is given an award and handed his certificate. 56O' MS of Maj. Yeager holding a cake. 574' INT building, CU of band. 582' CU low angle of Naval Building--over doorway: CIRCULO MILITARY NAVAL. 593' MS camera pans left with an F-86 as it flies in low over beach, makes a climb, and banks to the right. 601' MS looking over the shoulders of spectators--diamond-shaped formation of the Thunderbirds in bg. Camera pans with the formation as it banks to the left and completes a barrel roll. 62O' Several views of the Thunderbirds performing. 663' CU of Gen. Hood and Pres. Batista. 678' Several CU's of the president. 688' CU of the secret Police. 695' MS low angle of American flag flying full mast--palms in fg. 72O' Several views of spectators. 738' CU low angle of the Cuban flag flyng full mast. 747' High angle shot down on coast line of Havana, Cuba. 777' LS same scene description, framed by window. 799' High angle shot down on street scene along the beach area of Havana, Cuba. 800' SLATE: HAVANA, CUBA. 13 FEB 1954. 806' MS of the flight tower--written on tower: AEROPUERTO BATISTA. 818' CU & LS of the flight tower. 843' LS of F-84 flyng at very low altitude, then climbing. 849' MS of C-47, (Cuban)--an F-86 flies very low to ground, then does a fly-by to the right in bg. 855' LS F-84 Thunderbirds flyng line-astep, directly toward camera. 866' MS SV of two C-47's (Cuban) stationary on ramp. 871' LS direct FV diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds as they climb, then fly out of frame. 876' LS of the Thunderbirds flying in single file, climbing, then banking to the left. 888' LS camera pans right with a Thunderbird as it taxis on ramp. Repeat same scene description. 903' MLS of C-124 flying very low to ground, then out of frame to the right. 925' MLS RV C-124 climbing. 937' MLS of the C-124 flyng very low to ground, then banking to the left. 950' LS C-124 coming in for landing. 961' Total footage in reel. Reel 3O: CU of Brazilian military personnel observing the air show. 15' CU of family (mother, father and daughter) standing under umbrellas watching the show. 26' MS static display of F-86's. 33' CU of F-8O on display. 38' ECU of the nose section of the F-80. 42' CU of the intake on the F-80. LOCATION: RIO DE JANEIRO. 49' ELS & MS of flag-raising ceremony at Cumbica Field, Brazil. 75' CU of door--written on same: BASE AREA de SAO PAULO (BRAZIL). 80' CU Secretary of Defense for Brazil climbing a ladder into the cockpit of C-124. 89' CU of Gen. Hood climbing the ladder. 91' CU of Gen. Hood and Brazilian VIP'S walking down the ramp out of the nose of the C-124. 106' MS of crowd walking past the nose section of the C-124 on display. 113' CU of Maj. Yeager talkng to mixed Brazilian personnel. 125' LS down ramp shows F-84 Thunderbirds, C-124, SA-16, and F-80 on displays. 137' ELS across ramp of a T-33 fly-by to the right--SA-16 being refueled in fg. 141' CU 3/4 RV of an F-84 engine changeover. Several angles, same scene description. 169' LS FV of F-86's flying line-astep, buzing the airfield. 176' MS of the nose sections of C-124 and SA-16 on display. 182' Direct vertical shot down on the elevator looking through the access doors--airman strapping cargo onto the elevator. Closer view, same scene description. 198' CU INT C-124 as elevator is raised into the fuselage. 215' SLATE: RIO DE JANEIRO. 220' MS of two priests standing in front of an F-84--one priest is looking through binocu1ars; the other is holding a camera. 234' CU of the Operations Bui1ding--sign over doorway: OPERACOES GALEAO. 242' CU of sign: GALEAO F.A.B. 249' CU of Gen. Hood and the Secretary of Defense for Brazil as they inspect jet aircraft. (Aircraft not in scene.) 261' CU of Gen. Hood and the Secretary of Defense as they walk past the tail section of and F-86. 275' Several views of the mixed personnel observing the static display. 282' SLATE: SAO PAULO, BRAZIL. ELS Headquarters Building--spectators standing in front of building in fg. Formation of jet aircraft flying line-astep over the building. MS RV troops marching--diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds in bg. 312' CU of a line of flags--in fg, two Brazilian flags, then a United States flag and two other Brazilian flags. 328' MLS of the flags--jet F-84's buzz the area in bg. 337' CU of Maj. Gordon Barte as he interviews Brazilian AF women. 362' ALS of the airport at Sao Paulo. 383' MS direct FV band marching toward camera. 387' MS 3/4 FV of color guard as it marches past camera, followed by infantry troops. 412' RV of the troops as they march. 416' MS low angle, looking through the troops as they march past the Headquarters Building. 426' MS low angle of personnel standing and seated on balcony. 431' CU of two Jesuit priests walking toward camera. 439' RV of the priests as they walk toward SA-16. 449' MCU of two Brazilian officers. 464' MS of the Brazilian officer as he points to the insignia on the side of an F-86 which reads: THE FIGHTER SCHOOL, EVERY MAN A TIGER. 476' MS RV of group of Brazilian officers as they walk toward a T-33. 488' CU of Brazilian officer as they greets Gen. Hood. Several angles, same scene description. 516' Severa1 views of the officers greeting Maj. Yeager. 534' MS of the band. 539' CU of the leader. 545' MS of the reviewing officers. 560' Several views of the officers reviewing the troops. 585' High angle down on the spectators. 588' ELS across the area filled with spectators and cars--line-astep formation of T-33's flying over area in bg. 607' LS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds. Several views of the Thunderbirds performing. 626' CU of a women shading her eyes, watching the air show. 642' CU of building mixed personnel standing on balcony--written on building, CARRASCO, URUGUAY. 660' MS of the Thunderbirds taxiing to the left. 662' MCU of the Thunderbirds stationary on ramp--in bg, flight tower and terminal building, Carrasco, Uruguay. 675' MS 3/4 FV stationary F-86--pilot walks toward camera. 682' CU of Maj. Bower talking on microphone. 686' CU of small girls clapping. 690' MS group clapping. 695' CU looking over the shoulder of the major as he talks on microphone. 702' CU of small child as he is placed on the ladder up to the fuselage of F-84.Several angles of small children being shown the F-84. 723' CU of the captain as he shows a Thunderbird helmet to the small chi1dren. 730' CU as the Thunderbird helmet is placed on one of the children. 742' CU low angle of the tail section of a Thunderbird p1ane, serial number 116722. 746' CU of sign: AERONAUTICA NO.l OPERACIONES. 755' LS of harbor area. 769' CU of Gen. Hood and officers. 782' LS high angle down on a circled parking area. 791' High angle shot down on two officers talking on microphone--mixed personnel standing along edge of balcony in fg. 799' MS RATO of an F-80. 810' CU high angle of personnel on a balcony watching air show. 83l' LS of an F-80 taking off as seen from INT of flight tower. 842' LS formation of three F-86's taxiing to the left as seen from the flight tower. 857' MS fly-by to the right of jet aircraft. 859' High angle direct vertical shot down on mixed personnel. 868' Total footage in reel. Reel 31: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. LS across ramp as Nicaraguan military personnel walk away from camera. 13' MS of a half-track M-4 type truck as an American flag-draped casket, carrying the body of Capt. D. L. Ray, F-86 jet pilot who crashed at Managua, is unloaded. Managuan soldiers carry the casket. 39' CU of colors. 48' CU of Nicaraguan officers and USAF personnel during the services. 78' CU the loading of the casket into the C-47. 90' MS of Nicaraguan military personnel giving a 21-gun salute. 97' CU of Nicaraguan officers standing under the wing section of a C-47. 102' WIlL TOUR. NICARAGUA. 18 JAN 1954. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 102' N.G. 121' MS of Gen. Hood and officers standing near the tail section of an F-86. 131' MS low angle as a captain explains the operation of an F-86 to a man and a woman. 140' MS looking into the nose section of a C-124 on display. 152' MS low angle of a T-33 on display. 159' MS of the Managua, Nicaragua Terminal--personnel standing on balcony. 175' CU license plate on car: PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA NICARAGUA, 1954. 184' CU of Gen. Hood and the president of Nicaragua conversing. 192' MS of Gen. Hood as he shows the Nicaraguan VIP's the aircraft. 201' SLATE: 18 JAN 54. 204' CU of a sergeant as he puts his hand up to a parrot. 220' ECU of the parrot. 233' CU of a monkey--it jumps at camera and goes through various antics. 274' CU of Nicaraguan officer seated at the controls of a plane. 283' CU of small boy seated at the controls of plane. 290' CU looking into the nose section of C-124 on display. 298' CU low angle of an F-86 on display. 308' CU of Nicaraguan officer as he points to the insignia on the F-86, a flag of Nicaragua. 312' ECU of the insignia. 317' CU of officers as they look into the cockpit of F-86. 323' LS of ramp as seen from underneath an SA-16. 331' MS of a captain explaining the operation of an F-86 to spectators. 339'CU of Gen. Hood as he shakes hands with a Nicaraguan officer--tail section of an F-86 in bg. Several angles, same scene description. 369' MS of officers and civilians standing in front of the wing section of a C-47, hats over hearts. 376' CU of airman as he carries floral sprays. CU of ribbon on one of the sprays from A. SOMOZA, president of Nicaragua. 387' CU as the sprays are loaded into the C-47. 410' CU of truck loaded with sprays. 425' CU looking over the shoulder of Gen. Hood reading newspaper with headlines about the captain's death. 433' CU of Nicaraguan officers. 443' MS of C-47 taxiing--personnel in fg. 452' CU of Gen. Hood and the president of Nicaragua shaking hands. 458' CU of Gen. Hood and a Nicaraguan officer as they consult paper. 472' MS F-84 Thunderbirds taxiing to the right. 480' MS camera pans left with a fly-by of four F-86's, then down to a stationary F-84. 496' MS camera pans left with the RATO of two F-84G Thunderbirds, then pans back to pick up the RATO of two other Thunderbirds which fly into the haze left by the other two Thunderbirds. 530' MS camera pans left with the general's T-33 taxiing. 544' MLS of the RATO of two T-33's. 562' CU of RATO of a T-33 to the left. 582' MS RV C-124 taxiing; bus in fg--camera pans short distance to the right. 610' High angle shot down on ramp showing SA-16 and C-47 stationary-crowd in fg; C-124 taxis to the left in bg. 645' CU of the demoilished F-86. 656' LS C-47 coming in for landing, flying out of frame at the right. 674' CU of tree trunk, carved on it: CAPT. D. L. RAY, 19 JAN 1954. 683' CU looking down through the elevator doors on C-124--group of personnel around the platform. 697' CU looking out through the doors of the C-124--crowd in bg. The loading ramp is retracted into the nose and clamshell doors are closed. 738' CU of Nicaraguan VIP seated in the cockpit of a T-33--USAF officer, in bg, is explaining the aircraft. 751' CU 3/4 FV of T-33 taxiing toward camera. 765' ACU as camera ship flies over airfield--group of personnel on ramp. Repeat same scene description. 841' MS of Nicaraguan squadron at attention. 849' CU RV of some of the Nicaraguan military personnel. 855' CU of Gen. Hood and the president of Nicaragua walking toward camera--they are inspecting the troops. 870' CU of military personnel standing at attention--the colors are presented. 898' CU of Gen. Hood talking to a Nicaraguan officer. 905' CU of license plate: C0-36 NICARAGUA--flag of United States above the license plate. 912' CU looking under the nose section of a T-33--staff cars in bg. 915' Total footage in reel. Reel 32: MS SV Gen. Hood's aircraft taxiing to the left with canopy raised. 9' MS of personnel climbing stairs, standing on the rooftop to observe the air show. 15' MS flight line, B-25's (Uruguay) stationary in line--camera pans left on the flight line to show C-45 (Uruguay) and P-51's (Uruguay). 38' MS RV of men, military and civilian, looking into a radio truck. 47' INT of the radio truck, captain talking on microphone. Several angles of men around the radio truck. 54' MLS 3/4 RV of stationary C-124--in bg, aircraft hangar with personnel standing on top of it. 79' LS camera pans right with formation of F-84 Thunderbirds flying line-astep. 91' LS Thunderbirds flying diamond-shaped, then climbing--camera pans with the formation. (Sun reflection in lens.) 105' CU INT of C-124 with the loading ramps being lowered large crowd in bg. 131' CU SV of the nose section of the C-124--crowd in bg. 140' CU looking underneath the truck as it is driven down the ramp on a C-124. 157' CU RV right wing of C-124--crowd in bg. 171' MS 3/4 FV nose section of a C-124 with cargo doors open; crowd in fg. 174' LS 3/4 FV C-124 on display. Several angles, same scene description. 209' MS FV T-33's taxiing toward camera on ramp, turning, and pul1ing into parking area--military men at right of scene direct the aircraft. (Lead plane is Gen. Hood's aircraft.) 222' CU of Gen. Hood as he exchanges greetings with civilians. 23O' MS of crowd scanning the sky. 239' CU of Gen. Hood and other officers conversing. 245' MS looking through an open doorway of an F-84 taxiing to the left on ramp personnel standing in fg. 267' High angle shot down on table showing beer, cokes, and hors d'oeuvres arranged on it. VIP's and military officers are helping themselves. (This scene is not to be released.) 287' LS down ramp showing T-33's, F-84's, F-86's, and SA-16's. 299' CU of Gen. Hood T-33--an officer is looking into the cockpit. 302' CU of the nose section of the T-33--Jesuit students at the right of plane. 311' CU of wagon--written on it: GRAN HOTEL. 320' CU of Gen. Hood and other officers seated. Several angles, same scene description--civilians taking notes. 362' CU of a toucan on fence, pan shot into ECU of its bill. 377' CU of poster:WIIL TOUR, ALL WIlL TOUR PERSONNEL REPORT TO ADMINISTRATI0N DESK. 388' CU low angle, sign above the entrance to Gran Hotel--camera pans down to entrance. 4O4' CU of boy shining the shoes of a civilian. 408' LS high angle of ramp crowded with personnel- -camera pans left with a formation of four Thunderbirds. 429' High angle shot of crowd on ramp. Repeat same scene description. 460' CU low angle of a child seated on top of a long pole. 468' CU low angle of group of personnel on a tower.CU of covered body of Capt. Ray. Priest is saying blessing; crowd standing around. 489' CU of the demolished F-86. 5O2' CU of Nicaraguan officers--camera pans left with an F-80 as it pulls up from a fly-by. 525' CU of Maj. Yeager conversing with Nicaraguan officers. 541' CU as Maj. Yeager is introduced to the president. 548' Dolly shot into CU of Maj. Yeager as he talks with civilian in car. 550' CU of Maj. Yeager and Gen. Hood as they talk to civilian in car. 565' CU of the general's T-33--two Nicaraguan service women looking at the aircraft. 584' MS of troops dressed in white marching past the terminal. 604' CU of woman examining the cockpit of a Thunderbird aircraft. 607' Several CU's of personnel, including the president and his wife, examining aircraft. 640' CU of Gen. Hood, the president, and his wife conversing--F-86 in bg. 661' MS of president, his wife, and Gen. Hood as they walk up ramp into C-124. 666' MS direct FV looking into the nose section of C-124 on display. 670' CU of the president as he shakes hands with the Thunderbird pilots. 672' Posed shot of Thunderbird pilots, Pres. Somoza, and Gen. Hood--CU of Pres. Somoza. CU tree which Capt. Ray crashed into--camera pans down tree showing cracked trunk. 719' CU of tree-top--carved on it: CAPT. D. L. RAY. 734' CU of child as he carves on the tree. 769' LS of the wreck. 783' CU of the demolished F-86. 801' MS Thunderbirds on ramp--aircraft in bg taxis out, turns, taxis toward camera. 822' CU F-84 Thunderbird taxiing to the left, followed by the seoond, and the third. 843' MS camera pans left with RAT0 of three Thunderbirds--RV of the takeoff. 865' MS of the RAT0 of two Thunderbirds in the smoke from the other aircraft. 881' INT aircraft, man talking on microphone--camera pans over to copilot at controls. 900' Total footage in reel. 464' MS of the Brazilian officer as he points to the insignia on the side of an F-86 which reads: THE FIGHTER SCHOOL, EVERY MAN A TIGER. 476' MS RV of group of Brazilian officers as they walk toward a T-33. 488' CU of Brazilian officer as they greets Gen. Hood. Several angles, same scene description. 516' Severa1 views of the officers greeting Maj. Yeager. 534' MS of the band. 539' CU of the leader. 545' MS of the reviewing officers. 560' Several views of the officers reviewing the troops. 585' High angle down on the spectators. 588' ELS across the area filled with spectators and cars--line-astep formation of T-33's flying over area in bg. 607' LS diamond-shaped formation of Thunderbirds. Several views of the Thunderbirds performing. 626' CU of a women shading her eyes, watching the air show. 642' CU of building mixed personnel standing on balcony--written on building, CARRASCO, URUGUAY. 660' MS of the Thunderbirds taxiing to the left. 662' MCU of the Thunderbirds stationary on ramp--in bg, flight tower and terminal building, Carrasco, Uruguay. 675' MS 3/4 FV stationary F-86--pilot walks toward camera. 682' CU of Maj. Bower talking on microphone. 686' CU of small girls clapping. 690' MS group clapping. 695' CU looking over the shoulder of the major as he talks on microphone. 702' CU of small child as he is placed on the ladder up to the fuselage of F-84. Several angles of small children being shown the F-84. 723' CU of the captain as he shows a Thunderbird helmet to the small chi1dren. 730' CU as the Thunderbird helmet is placed on one of the children. 742' CU low angle of the tail section of a Thunderbird p1ane, serial number 116722. 746' CU of sign: AERONAUTICA NO.l OPERACIONES. 755' LS of harbor area. 769' CU of Gen. Hood and officers. 782' LS high angle down on a circled parking area. 791' High angle shot down on two officers talking on microphone--mixed personnel standing along edge of balcony in fg. 799' MS RATO of an F-80. 810' CU high angle of personnel on a balcony watching air show. 83l' LS of an F-80 taking off as seen from INT of flight tower. 842' LS formation of three F-86's taxiing to the left as seen from the flight tower. 857' MS fly-by to the right of jet aircraft. 859' High angle direct vertical shot down on mixed personnel. 868' Total footage in reel. Reel 31: MANAGUA, NICARAGUA. LS across ramp as Nicaraguan military personnel walk away from camera. 13' MS of a half-track M-4 type truck as an American flag-draped casket, carrying the body of Capt. D. L. Ray, F-86 jet pilot who crashed at Managua, is unloaded. Managuan soldiers carry the casket. 39' CU of colors. 48' CU of Nicaraguan officers and USAF personnel during the services. 78' CU the loading of the casket into the C-47. 90' MS of Nicaraguan military personnel giving a 21-gun salute. 97' CU of Nicaraguan officers standing under the wing section of a C-47. 102' WIlL TOUR. NICARAGUA. 18 JAN 1954. CAMERAMAN: STOUGHTON. 102' N.G. 121' MS of Gen. Hood and officers standing near the tail section of an F-86. 131' MS low angle as a captain explains the operation of an F-86 to a man and a woman. 140' MS looking into the nose section of a C-124 on display. 152' MS low angle of a T-33 on display. 159' MS of the Managua, Nicaragua Terminal--personnel standing on balcony. 175' CU license plate on car: PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICA NICARAGUA, 1954. 184' CU of Gen. Hood and the president of Nicaragua conversing. 192' MS of Gen. Hood as he shows the Nicaraguan VIP's the aircraft. 201' SLATE: 18 JAN 54. 204' CU of a sergeant as he puts his hand up to a parrot. 220' ECU of the parrot. 233' CU of a monkey--it jumps at camera and goes through various antics. 274' CU of Nicaraguan officer seated at the controls of a plane. 283' CU of small boy seated at the controls of plane. 290' CU looking into the nose section of C-124 on display. 298' CU low angle of an F-86 on display. 308' CU of Nicaraguan officer as he points to the insignia on the F-86, a flag of Nicaragua. 312' ECU of the insignia. 317' CU of officers as they look into the cockpit of F-86. 323' LS of ramp as seen from underneath an SA-16. 331' MS of a captain explaining the operation of an F-86 to spectators. 339' CU of Gen. Hood as he shakes hands with a Nicaraguan officer--tail section of an F-86 in bg. Several angles, same scene description. 369' MS of officers and civilians standing in front of the wing section of a C-47, hats over hearts. 376' CU of airman as he carries floral sprays. CU of ribbon on one of the sprays from A. SOMOZA, president of Nicaragua. 387' CU as the sprays are loaded into the C-47. 410' CU of truck loaded with sprays. 425' CU looking over the shoulder of Gen. Hood reading newspaper with headlines about the captain's death. 433' CU of Nicaraguan officers. 443' MS of C-47 taxiing--personnel in fg. 452' CU of Gen. Hood and the president of Nicaragua shaking hands. 458' CU of Gen. Hood and a Nicaraguan officer as they consult paper. 472' MS F-84 Thunderbirds taxiing to the right. 480' MS camera pans left with a fly-by of four F-86's, then down to a stationary F-84. 496' MS camera pans left with the RATO of two F-84G Thunderbirds, then pans back to pick up the RATO of two other Thunderbirds which fly into the haze left by the other two Thunderbirds. 530' MS camera pans left with the general's T-33 taxiing. 544' MLS of the RATO of two T-33's. 562' CU of RATO of a T-33 to the left. 582' MS RV C-124 taxiing; bus in fg--camera pans short distance to the right. 610' High angle shot down on ramp showing SA-16 and C-47 stationary-crowd in fg; C-124 taxis to the left in bg. 645' CU of the demoilished F-86. 656' LS C-47 coming in for landing, flying out of frame at the right. 674' CU of tree trunk, carved on it: CAPT. D. L. RAY, 19 JAN 1954. 683' CU looking down through the elevator doors on C-124--group of personnel around the platform. 697' CU looking out through the doors of the C-124--crowd in bg. The loading ramp is retracted into the nose and clamshell doors are closed. 738' CU of Nicaraguan VIP seated in the cockpit of a T-33--USAF officer, in bg, is explaining the aircraft. 751' CU 3/4 FV of T-33 taxiing toward camera. 765' ACU as camera ship flies over airfield--group of personnel on ramp. Repeat same scene description. 841' MS of Nicaraguan squadron at attention. 849' CU RV of some of the Nicaraguan military personnel. 855' CU of Gen. Hood and the president of Nicaragua walking toward camera--they are inspecting the troops. 870' CU of military personnel standing at attention--the colors are presented. 898' CU of Gen. Hood talking to a Nicaraguan officer. 905' CU of license plate: C0-36 NICARAGUA--flag of United States above the license plate. 912' CU looking under the nose section of a T-33--staff cars in bg. 915' Total footage in reel. Reel 32: MS SV Gen. Hood's aircraft taxiing to the left with canopy raised. 9' MS of personnel climbing stairs, standing on the rooftop to observe the air show. 15' MS flight line, B-25's (Uruguay) stationary in line--camera pans left on the flight line to show C-45 (Uruguay) and P-51's (Uruguay). 38' MS RV of men, military and civilian, looking into a radio truck. 47' INT of the radio truck, captain talking on microphone. Several angles of men around the radio truck. 54' MLS 3/4 RV of stationary C-124--in bg, aircraft hangar with personnel standing on top of it. 79' LS camera pans right with formation of F-84 Thunderbirds flying line-astep. 91' LS Thunderbirds flying diamond-shaped, then climbing--camera pans with the formation. (Sun reflection in lens). 105' CU INT of C-124 with the loading ramps being lowered large crowd in bg. 131' CU SV of the nose section of the C-124--crowd in bg. 140' CU looking underneath the truck as it is driven down the ramp on a C-124. 157' CU RV right wing of C-124--crowd in bg. 171' MS 3/4 FV nose section of a C-124 with cargo doors open; crowd in fg. 174' LS 3/4 FV C-124 on display. Several angles, same scene description. 209' MS FV T-33's taxiing toward camera on ramp, turning, and pul1ing into parking area--military men at right of scene direct the aircraft. (Lead plane is Gen. Hood's aircraft.) 222' CU of Gen. Hood as he exchanges greetings with civilians. 23O' MS of crowd scanning the sky. 239' CU of Gen. Hood and other officers conversing. 245' MS looking through an open doorway of an F-84 taxiing to the left on ramp personnel standing in fg. 267' High angle shot down on table showing beer, cokes, and hors d'oeuvres arranged on it. VIP's and military officers are helping themselves. (This scene is not to be released.) 287' LS down ramp showing T-33's, F-84's, F-86's, and SA-16's. 299' CU of Gen. Hood T-33--an officer is looking into the cockpit. 302' CU of the nose section of the T-33--Jesuit students at the right of plane. 311' CU of wagon--written on it: GRAN HOTEL. 320' CU of Gen. Hood and other officers seated. Several angles, same scene description--civilians taking notes. 362' CU of a toucan on fence, pan shot into ECU of its bill. 377' CU of poster:WIIL TOUR, ALL WIlL TOUR PERSONNEL REPORT TO ADMINISTRATI0N DESK. 388' CU low angle, sign above the entrance to Gran Hotel--camera pans down to entrance. 4O4' CU of boy shining the shoes of a civilian. 408' LS high angle of ramp crowded with personnel- -camera pans left with a formation of four Thunderbirds. 429' High angle shot of crowd on ramp. Repeat same scene description. 460' CU low angle of a child seated on top of a long pole. 468' CU low angle of group of personnel on a tower.CU of covered body of Capt. Ray. Priest is saying blessing; crowd standing around. 489' CU of the demolished F-86. 5O2' CU of Nicaraguan officers--camera pans left with an F-80 as it pulls up from a fly-by. 525' CU of Maj. Yeager conversing with Nicaraguan officers. 541' CU as Maj. Yeager is introduced to the president. 548' Dolly shot into CU of Maj. Yeager as he talks with civilian in car. 550' CU of Maj. Yeager and Gen. Hood as they talk to civilian in car. 565' CU of the general's T-33--two Nicaraguan service women looking at the aircraft. 584' MS of troops dressed in white marching past the terminal. 604' CU of woman examining the cockpit of a Thunderbird aircraft. 607' Several CU's of personnel, including the president and his wife, examining aircraft. 640' CU of Gen. Hood, the president, and his wife conversing--F-86 in bg. 661' MS of president, his wife, and Gen. Hood as they walk up ramp into C-124. 666' MS direct FV looking into the nose section of C-124 on display. 670' CU of the president as he shakes hands with the Thunderbird pilots. 672' Posed shot of Thunderbird pilots, Pres. Somoza, and Gen. Hood--CU of Pres. Somoza. CU tree which Capt. Ray crashed into--camera pans down tree showing cracked trunk. 719' CU of tree-top--carved on it: CAPT. D. L. RAY. 734' CU of child as he carves on the tree. 769' LS of the wreck. 783' CU of the demolished F-86. 801' MS Thunderbirds on ramp--aircraft in bg taxis out, turns, taxis toward camera. 822' CU F-84 Thunderbird taxiing to the left, followed by the seoond, and the third. 843' MS camera pans left with RAT0 of three Thunderbirds--RV of the takeoff. 865' MS of the RAT0 of two Thunderbirds in the smoke from the other aircraft. 881' INT aircraft, man talking on microphone--camera pans over to copilot at controls. 900' Total footage in reel. Good

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SNAC Resource ID: 6496942

National Archives at College Park

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